Her Disaster 1 (Zeryon)

When he heard a scream, Zeryon's attention was diverted. The light on Gina's face, which was brightly laughing, suddenly faded. The painting she was holding fell to the floor. She immediately took a thousand steps to avoid the terrible fate that was about to befall her.

Witnessing the unfortunate event in front of his eyes, Zeryon immediately teleported.  Unfortunately, time was not on his side.


The thirteen-year-old girl screamed helplessly, her face turned pale, her body froze, and her hands cupped her head. She most likely hoped that her tiny hands would protect her, but the car was speeding and ran over everything in its path, including the tiny body in front of it.

Zeryon's hand drew Modesty's body immediately, minimizing the worst impact of the nearly fatal accident. He grabbed her tightly and drew her into a hug. The screech of tires sounded muffled like a shriek. However, the vehicle's bumper licked Modesty's feet, causing them to fall and roll on the road.