Wild Instinct 1 (Zeryon)

Zeryon felt his body full of energy after Gina's gentle touch. It felt different from the human energy he had previously absorbed.

Fortunately, Zeryon could still control his hunger, so he didn't absorb all of her energy. And that amount of energy was sufficient for several weeks. He didn't want his greediness cause something bad to Gina.

However, during lunch at the restaurant, for some reason he wanted to get her energy once again. In fact, he didn't really need it. It was just his desire inside grew bigger. He was trying to fight the wild instinct within him.

It felt like he was consuming something addictive. This had never happened before during his time absorbing energy from wild animals. This was his first encounter with uncontrollable hunger.

"I'm finished. Let's go home now, shall we?" Gina inquired.

Zeryon was still staring at Gina, as if he were a tiger stalking his prey.

"Zeryon!" Gina screamed loudly.