Negotiate 1 (Zeryon)

The night he despised the most were over. A full moon night which awakened his true identity.

Zeryon sat on the bed's edge. His hands were clasped together, and his elbows were resting on his thighs. His mind was busy discussing with himself; about the person he needed to save, and about the next steps to take.

He rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. He changed into a black shirt with blazer and ripped jeans after taking a shower.

Before leaving, he took the original Iron rod hidden behind his large painting on the wall. The real one. There was a fake iron rod just to disguise the weapon from demons.

Even though it hadn't been long since he'd seen Gina, he was eager to see her again. However, he was unable to find the young woman anywhere.

"Heva, where is Gina?" Zeryon inquired of the brunette woman who was arranging flowers in a vase.

"She went to the art academy with Vargas," Heva replied as she was still arranging the flowers.