Finding Again 2 (Zeryon)

What he was waiting for eventually came. Vargas brought a positive news and tomorrow it would be the important day for Modesty.

"I double-checked everything. The address and data are correct and it's safe." Vargas just arrived and reported the results of his research to his master.

"Thank you very much, Vargas."

"No worries."

Zeryon offered Vargas to get dinner with them, but he refused because he had already eaten.

Gina and Modesty stopped talking when they had almost finished their dinner. The atmosphere became quiet, Zeryon began to speak.

"Hey, Modesty, I'd like to take you somewhere tomorrow. Would you go with me or not?" Zeryon inquired.

"Of course, I'd love to go!" Modesty exclaimed, her face bright with excitement

Gina, having just finished her last bite, asked, "What are your plans? I need to know first this time. Don't let my sister have a bad day later."