Agony of Mind 1 (Zeryon)

Zeryon walked home with heavy steps. The loyal servant stopped him from absorbing the energy of his hunt for today.

It was the most insane hunt he'd ever done. Even when the full moon appeared, his pure demonic blood conquered her body, but he didn't take as much prey as he could. He felt no rage, humiliation, pain, or sorrow.

He was relieved that Vargas had found him and reminded him to maintain his sanity. Vargas remained faithful to accompany him as they walked towards the house.

Arriving at home, he went straight to his room. He even ignored Heva's greeting.

He plopped down on the bed, without caring much the dirt that clung to his bare feet. He also skipped the shower and returned to his solitude.

"I've never felt more alone than this," he muttered to himself.

He picked up his phone and dialed Gina's number, but she didn't answer. Then he tried to call back. Until Gina answered the phone for the third time calling.