New Day 1 (Gina)

Gina Blitz was just a young woman who had the desire to travel the world and meet the illusion artist who inspired her the most. She was shocked when she learned that she was the daughter of the lord of demons.

The terrifying dreams she experienced nearly every night were not meaningless random occurrences. But that was a way her father had tried to get in touch with her.

All this long her mother hid from her husband, that she gave birth to twins. She was not sure if it was a blessing or a curse, regardless, she still loved her children.

Her mother had to face death for the risk she took. Yet the heavens continued to uphold her and grant her a long life so that she may bear witness to yet another test and struggle that must be overcome. But this time around was her daughter's turn.

The mother did what she had to do to keep her daughter safe, even if it meant turning her into a captive. In the end, the young woman figured things out on her own.