Apologize 1 (Zeryon)

The first day's round of vetting potential candidates was complete. Zeryon was ready to accept the outcome of the decision on the continuation of his contract. Because he became aware that he was acting in an intimidating manner, particularly toward Gina and her friends. Even other judges voiced their disagreement with the decision.

He cleaned off his desk and got himself ready to leave for the day. But before that, the producer approached him.

"How was your first day, Mr. Zeryon? Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"So, where did you get those ideas? Have members of the creative team informed you?" The producer was given a seat at the very edge of the judge's table.

"What ideas?" Zeryon frowned.

"Bashing the contestants."

"I'm not bashing anyone. I'm just telling the truth." Zeryon stated. "And nobody told me to do it."