The Girl At The Mouth Of The Volcano

Selma Payne's POV:

This was the first time I directly faced friction between the ruler and his subjects. My father was a powerful king. Without a doubt, in this confrontation, he easily dealt with the rebellious subjects who dared to offend their superiors.

I couldn't help but think, what if I was my father? If I were to encounter such troublemakers in my rule in the future, how would I deal with them?

I imagined I'd be so angry that I'd explode and give him a good scolding. Then, I'd ask the guards to release this garbage into human society.

Clearly, compared to my father, my thoughts were still too childish and too impulsive.

Why would he lose his demeanor if he could resolve this without shedding a drop of blood?

I thought of my father's teachings, "The respect the subjects have for the monarch is not a single component. Other than the monarch's true inner self, they are more easily confused by your external mask."