Oath of Vengance

*Tap!* *Tap!*

*Tap!* *Tap!*

The sound of the beating rain and the rumbling of the clouds could be heard rumbling in the distance, as darkness began to submerge the skies veiling the world from the beaming influence of the heavens if naught for a fleeting moment.

A lone man. 

A young adult is of short stature, his eyes are cold and unforgiving and he has a tone of pure expressionlessness on his face.

Was just standing there looking at the soulless body of Elishima, it was very obvious to realize what was going through Morgan's mind at that moment.

Because not long after, his shadows began to spread into a pool of eery black mire; as it encompass its entire corporal agent.

Normally the process of digestion was a slow waiting game for Morgan, as absorbing him would take a while, that's why the smaller prey was so much easier to devour than the bigger ones.

And sad to say Elishima was on the bigger side of the menu.