117. The Portal to Hell

The dungeon core was a pulsating ball of reddish black mana. As he came before it, Lena asked from behind, ''What are you going to name it, master?''

Jake looked at her and then turned his head. His attitude made her pout. Jake didn't care. She would hear it in a few seconds, anyway.

Closing his eyes, Jake stretched his right hand. His mana core and the dungeon core connected with thin tendrils of evil mana which leaked from his fingertips.

Jake imagined the complete structure of the dungeon in his mind and spoke authoritatively.

''From hereon, this place shall be called the Dungeon of Sins.''

Every creature inside the dungeon heard his voice. The intelligent beings immediately recognized his voice while the less intelligent monsters were startled.

''That seems more like a title, not a name!'' Lena fluttered her wings and shouted in a cute voice.

''Shut.'' Jake pinched his two fingers and showed it to her.