163. Stunning the Adventurers

''He's flying!''

''What nonsense are you spouting?''

''He really is… and t-there is a black shadow below him!'' Gerald stumbled behind.

At this moment, one orc suddenly noticed the disturbances in the bushes ahead.

He walked forward with only a piece of cloth covering his crotch. The orc had a crude, long spear in hand.

''Who's there?!'' The orc guard shouted in his language and thrusted the spear ahead.

Suddenly, his feet felt cold. Before he could move them, the coldness spread to the orc's legs, freezing his body.

''Enem-'' A thin icicle passed through his temple and the orc fell on the bushes.

Whispers flowed in the place the orc had died. The dead body was nowhere to be seen, someone seemed to have pulled it. The adventurers were worried about the incoming person.

''Could it be a B-Rank adventurer?''

''Here, see for yourself…''