192. Vile Evil Lurks

Near the docks of Cheshire, there was an abandoned Adventurer's Guild House whom no one visited these days. The establishment had a closed sign outside but there were people under its first floor.

Jake sat inside a basement with Jasmine and Fiona side-by-side. Ragan was there, reporting to him how many slaves have been bought already.

''This doesn't sound good,'' Jake said.

Ragan arrived in this city about three weeks ago. Without entrusting the slaves to Xenan, the man he worked under, he'd instead become an independent trader.

The reason he did this was to sell his slaves specifically to nobles. If he gave them to Xenan, there was no guarantee who would buy them. Jake had told Ragan to sell them only to nobles and no one else. This lot was meant to act as a spy group.

As expected, the old fox was facing heavy suppression from his peers. They had taken most of his clients and even tried stealing his slaves.