Not Sure What To Talk About

Carter and Kokomi walked beside each other down the streets of Melaka town. She was asking questions about his disability. At first, she wasn't sure whether to question him, thinking that it will make him uncomfortable. Carter, being the charmer that he is, didn't mind.

"Is your walking stick retractable like a Bo Staff?", Kokomi questions.

"First of all, it's not a walking stick. It's called a white cane. Second, no it can't retract like a Bo Staff", Carter answered.

"You find it lame, do you?", Kokomi looks up at him.

"This thing helps me foremost, boring or cool comes second", Carter said, looking straight ahead.

"My question has not been answered, pretty boy", Kokomi stated.

Carter felt a sense of shyness come over him when Kokomi called him by that nickname and found him dodging the question. Usually, a sense of pride would take over instead, but not this time.

"Nevermind, next question", Carter said.

"Alright, um so you're good at cartography right?", Kokomi asked.

"What's cartography?", Carter asked in return.

"Representing a geographic area on a map", Kokomi explained.

"If you meant having like a map of the whole area in my head, you're wrong. I only know the layout of my own house. That's why I have my white cane", Carter answered.

"Ohhh ok then, now you have me, I'll help you whenever you need", Kokomi smiles.

Carter covers his mouth in embarrassment, 'she's so adorable and kind!' he thought.

"I'm sorry for bothering you with these irritating questions. My curiosity got the best of me", Kokomi apologized.

"Not a problem, Miss, but I believe you owe me some answers in return ", Carter smirked.

"That's fine by me. So, what do you wanna ask?", Kokomi inquired.

'Why are you so adorable?' he thought.

"Where did you learn how to sing?", Carter asked.

"From my brothers, taught me when I got interested in their band. I was little at the time, elementary school", Kokomi answered.

"The bass?", Carter asked again.

"My brothers taught me that too. I told them I wanted to play the bass and I wanted to join a band during high school ", Kokomi answered.

(For reader's information, the country this story is set in only has Elementary and High school. Middle school and High school are kinda mush into one school.)

They both continue to walk while Carter thought of more questions. His pondering made him stop walking. Kokomi went ahead of him, but luckily looked back and stopped walking as well. Carter cupped his chin with one hand, tilting his head towards the ground. He was in deep thought before Kokomi got his head out of the clouds with a question.

"Shall we take a break for a while? You seem to have questions deeper than the sea for me".

Kokomi then gently grabbed his forearm and guided him toward a nearby bench. They both sat down and Carter began questioning.

"Do you do this to all your fans?", Carter asked.

"HAH, scared of people getting jealous of you? I thought you were used to it", Kokomi teased.

"Of course not! I feel that it isn't fair to others. Besides, I think other veteran fans of yours are dying to go on a date with you, unlike me who just knew about you only two weeks prior. Why do you think I'm used to it?", Carter explained frantically and then questioned.

"I don't know, you're really handsome. I'm pretty sure you know that by now since many would've told you that. I'm also sure that boys would get jealous of you easily," Kokomi explained.

The two stayed silenced before Kokomi remembered the question Carter brought up about her fans.

"By the way, who would want to go on a date with me? You're funny, pretty boy", Kokomi laughed, swinging her legs back and forth.

"Hm, did I say something?", Carter asked, confused by her statement.

"No, I don't do things like that. I'm not that well known really, you're the first who came asking me. I obliged to it because I believe we met before", Kokomi said casually.

"W-We've met before?", Carter blushed.

"Uh huh, your face looks familiar but, who am I kidding? You're too handsome", Kokomi said.

"Too handsome?", Carter smirked.

"Pfft, again, I'm very sure you knew that already despite your disability", Kokomi sighed.

Carter stayed quiet, tilting his head towards the sky, and enjoying the cool breeze.

"This feels like a dream to me", Kokomi confessed, looking down at her shoes.

"Why's that? Cause I look like Prince Charming to you?", Carter teased.

"Heh no, I just haven't been alone with a boy like this before, let alone someone I just met 2 weeks ago", Kokomi explained.

"I'm a stranger to you?", Carted pouted, turning his head towards her.

"No, no, I don't mean that. We're friends now and I'm glad about it", Kokomi said quickly.

"Hehe just messing with you", Carter said.

Kokomi rolled her eyes playfully then opened up her flip phone.

"Looks like we better get going if we wanna reach band practice on time", Kokomi said.

Carter and Kokomi got up and proceeded to their next location:

Santoro's Music Store.