Fear and Threat (Rewrite)

[: 3rd POV :]

Once the Elder had appeared, a wave of relief washed over Vasquez, and he couldn't resist mocking Daniel.

"Haha! Now, what can you do?"

He taunted, confident that the presence of the Elder had turned the tide in his favour.

However, the Elder gazed upon Vasquez with a look of disappointment.

"A favour?"

Daniel questioned in sarcasm.

After a few seconds, he smirked and declared, "I don't think so!"

Upon hearing Daniel's answer, the Elder frowned, his eyebrows knitting together.

"Are you sure, young man? You have quite the talent, and it would be a bit of a waste to kill off such potential in this continent,"

The Elder said with his hand stroking his long white beard.

"My decision is final, and I won't change,"

Daniel answered without a hint of fear.

"Sigh... such a waste. It seems I'll have to kill you,"

The Elder sighed in regret and he acknowledged Daniel's choice.

"Kill him, Elder! He has insulted the Imperial Nobles!"

Vasquez declared, his desperation became even more obvious as he wished for Daniel's end.

As the Elder heard Vasquez's plea, he stared at him with disappointment before redirecting his attention toward Daniel.

"Then, young man, don't blame me for killing you,"

The Elder declared, his tone carrying a sense of inevitability.

"You talked too much,"

Daniel responded dismissively.

Moments later, with a sudden burst of speed, Daniel teleported and appeared before the Elder.

The sudden movement had left the Elder stunned.

He was at the Saint Realm, a stage where he could travel without fear.

Yet he found himself unable to comprehend how he couldn't react to Daniel's speed.

The realization dawned on the Elder that he faced an opponent whose capabilities exceeded his expectations.

At this critical moment, instinct took over the Elder as he summoned every ounce of might that he possessed.

"Spiritual Beast!"

He commanded while he summoned spiritual beasts that he had contracted with.

Simultaneously, he released his domain which created a barrier between him and Daniel.

Cloaking himself in the Law of Fire that he had comprehended and mastered, the Elder had become a terrifying force.

Summoning his spiritual beasts, a feat achievable only upon reaching the Martial Emperor Realm, three creatures materialized.

"Master, you have called for us?"

Windia, a bird-like creature with wide wings, inquired.

"What trouble have you encountered, Master?"

Mestia, a bear-like beast clad in black armour, questioned.

The last spiritual beast, a Wyvern, added, "It seems Master has met real trouble."

A few seconds later, the Elder teleported to a different position along with his spiritual beasts, evading Daniel's immediate threat.

"That's right... it seems that I have encountered a peculiar cultivator,"

The Elder declared, his tone revealing a growing suspicion about Daniel's identity.

The inability to detect Daniel's movements implied that he has a cultivation realm on par with his own.

A cultivator of such a young age, possessing the Saint Realm, would mean he has a boundless potential that could extend into even the Half-Immortal Realm.

The Elder believed that he had made an enemy out of Daniel, and it would be better if he eliminated such a threat.

"That we shall stand against him,"

Windia declared and she was ready to strike Daniel.

Immediately, all three Spiritual Beasts positioned themselves defensively around their master, forming an impenetrable guard.

However, in an instant that defied the laws of speed, the world seemed to freeze.

Out of nowhere, Daniel materialized just inches away from the Spiritual Beasts.

The abruptness of his appearance left them paralyzed, unable to react.

It was noteworthy that these three Spiritual Beasts held the cultivation realm of the Martial Emperor.

Moreover, combined with the Elder, they would be a catastrophic force.

Yet, in this surreal moment, none could react to his speed.

"The three of you are in my way,"

Daniel muttered in a cold, low voice.

His entire presence now was a threat in the face of their lives.

At this critical moment, a cold killing intent emanated from Daniel.

He understood that achieving his goals would require him to kill, and there was no room for hesitation.

It was either killed or to be killed.

With such resolve, he gathered pure physical force onto his fists and unleashed three powerful blows towards the Spiritual Beasts.

The force of these blows struck the Spiritual Beasts with lightning speed.

In an instant, their bodies were transformed into a crimson mist.

The ferocity of the impact left no room for the Spiritual Beasts to showcase even a fraction of their spiritual powers.

In the blink of an eye, the beasts that had stood defiantly moments ago were reduced to nothingness.

Now, their blood was raining down on the land.

As the red mist from the disintegrated spiritual beasts descended, bits of the droplets grazed the Elder's cheeks.

It jolted him out of his paralyzed stunned state.


He uttered, unable to comprehend how his loyal companions, who had accompanied him for years, met such an end.

"Now, it's your turn,"

Daniel declared as he pointed his fingers directly at the Elder.

At this moment, the Elder's calm demeanour shattered.

For the first time in centuries, he who had ruled over millions and the awe of millions of cultivators, and has even created a legend for himself to his descendants had felt fear.

"I-If you kill me, the Empress and even the Imperial Forces won't let you go!"

The Elder threatened, attempting to regain some semblance of control.

However, Daniel was unaffected by his threat.

"What could those people even do to me?"

Daniel questioned domineeringly, and his words were mocking the Imperials.

The Elder, now speechless, attempted to instil fear by revealing the might of the Imperial Forces.

"Don't you understand how powerful the Imperial Forces are!?"

"They have cultivators stronger than me"

"Thousands of Martial Saints or even Devas!"

"Even the Empress herself is a half-Immortal!"

He declared, expecting Daniel to cower in fear.

"If you understand, then you should know it's best for you to surrender,"

He declared.

Since Daniel had stopped moving and was in silence, the Elder thought he was affected by it.

Hence, his fear gradually decreased and a victory smile formed on his face.