Purpose Reveal (Rewrite)

[: 3rd POV :]

Elizabeth and Zuke exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of awe and satisfaction.

The power Daniel displayed was beyond anything they had encountered before.

However, hearing what the Elder had said before, their face turned pale.

Half-Immoftal Cultivator was prestige that they in hundreds of years wouldn't able to invite to their kingdom, let alone befriend him.

Yet, here he was, right in front of them.

They had never thought the Elder whom they believed was going to kill them had been obliterated.

Now, Vasquez who was all behind this was in a pathetic state.

"Master Zuke! My lady! Forgive me, please! I beg of you! Spare my life!"

Vasquez pleaded as he crawled his way towards them.

Watching how he was pleading with his life, Zuke was pleased by this.

It was a sight that he wouldn't able to see.

Vasquez, sensing that forgiveness might not come easily, intensified his plea.

"I beg for mercy. I had no idea of your friendship with that master!"

"Please spare my life, and I will serve you faithfully," he implored, desperation evident in his voice.

The more he pleaded, the wider Zuke smile was.

"What is your decision?" Daniel questioned.

Zuke flinched for a moment and upon seeing the gaze of Daniel, he never felt so small.

Knowing that his true strength lies within Half-Immortal Realm, he was overwhelmed by it.

In the end, it was Elizabeth who broke the silence.

"Father, we don't need to forgive him..." Elizabeth declared adamantly.

"We shouldn't give mercy for someone who wanted to eradicate our City" Elizabeth mentioned.

"If the tables were turned around, we would be the ones at his mercy"

Her words were decisive and firm.

While Vasquez's pleas were directed towards Zuke, it was Elizabeth's cold and unforgiving voice that had answered him.

Her decision to exact revenge was firm, and she had made it clear.

There would be no forgiveness or mercy.

"I know" Zuke nodded his head and he closed his eyes for a second.

He reflected what had happened throughout the day, and what Elizabeth was right.

"What is your decision...?" Daniel questioned once again and this time, he know that they had made their decision.

"Vasquez shall face the consequences of his actions. No more, no less...so kill him!"

She declared.

Her tone was dominant and left no room for argument.

"Very well," Daniel said, accepting her decision.

With no objection from Zuke, Daniel proceeded with his actions.

In a flash, Daniel's aura changed, and the world froze once again.

"P-Please...I-I'm sorry!" Vasquez pleaded with tears streaming down his face.

He even peed in his pants as he watched Daniel walking closer towards him.

It felt like the Grim Reaper was before him and the last thing he saw was the sky.

He was beheaded from Daniel's Qi, and it was so clean that there weren't any blood spilled.

Just a second ago, Vasquez was alive and well, but now, he was nothing but a lifeless body.

Zuke and Elizabeth, who was watching the event, were silent.

They were speechless and they could never believe that the man who they had trouble with for years, was now dead.

It was truly a blizzard moment for them.

Eventually, moments later, they were back at their household, but this time, they were rather wary of their words, actions and how they treated Daniel.

It was not because they were scared of him, but they respected him and they were grateful for saving them.

"You all don't have to be wary around me, just treat me like how you treated me before"

Daniel said as he tried to ease their treatment.

He didn't like how they were treating him formally and he preferred their earlier treatment.

"T-Thank you, Master Daniel." Zuke respectfully said as he kneeled.

"I'm grateful for what you've done to us and the city. If not for your assistance, many lives would have been lost," He declared.

"This City had already fallen many times in the past and I am afraid, we will no longer able to defend ourselves"

"So, please, I thanked you from the bottom of my heart!" He said.

"I'm glad that I could be of help" Daniel smiled.

"But, please, no more kneeling," He said.

"You don't have to kneel or bow towards me" He emphasised once more.

"I'm not that kind of person. If you really want to show gratitude, then perhaps, you can fulfill a request of mine"

Daniel smiled as he will use this opportunity to fulfill his mission.

"Yes, please. We promise to fulfill as I can!" Zuke replied without any hesitation.

"Alright then" Daniel smiled as he liked Zuke',$ resolution.

"Then, you must be curious as to why I have decided to visit your city right?" Daniel questioned.

Both Zuke and Elizabeth were indeed curious about his agenda.

For someone of his calibre, there's no reason for him to visit the city.

It was a question that where both of them wanted to know.

However, they didn't dare to question him.

After all, a Half-Immortal Realm Cultivator visiting their city is already an honour where Zuke could die proudly.

It could raise their reputation even more.

"Forgive us Master Daniel, but we are truly curious" Zuke said.

"But it's not like we don't appreciate your visit" He added, not wanting to offend him.

"Rather, my city has nothing to offer'' He said.

There was only silence for a few minutes before Daniel decided to reveal his purpose.

"The reason why I had decided to come here is because...there's someone I want to recruit as my disciple" Daniel said.

"Recruit...?" Both Zuke and Elizabeth questioned at the same time.

"Have both of you forgotten what I have said when we met earlier on?" Daniel reminded them as they chuckled.

As Zuke recalled Daniel's introduction, he finally remembered Daniel's purpose.

"That's right...Master Daniel is the Sect Leader of a sect, and he's here to recruit disciples for his sect..."

Zuke almost wanted to slap himself as he forgotten Daniel's purpose for coming here.

At the same time, he gulped his salivae as he wondered who was Daniel going to recruit as his disciple.