Threat (Rewrite)

[: 3rd POV :] 

"I'm currently looking for a disciple. Do you have anyone in mind that you would like to recommend?" Daniel asked.

"But of course, I'm looking for a female disciple," Daniel said. 

He knew all along that Elizabeth was right in front of his eyes, but he wanted to see how Zuke would react.

Would he risk his daughter for a sect where she'd have to offer all of her existence?

"That's..." Zuke never expected that he was looking for a disciple.

He remembered earlier on that Daniel had told him he was a Sect Leader of the Heavenly Harem Sect.

At this point, he no longer doubted his identity as a Sect Leader.

But he was sceptical about the sect's identity.

Even though he was sceptical, he didn't wish to offend Daniel by questioning the motives of his sect.

"Young master, I wish to know if you have any requirements about a disciple that you're looking for," Zuke questioned.

"In terms of requirements or talents, it's not important," Daniel declared, greatly surprising both Zuke and Elizabeth.

Normally, all sects would accept talented disciples, and they would even fight for a disciple whose talents were monstrous.

But for Daniel to say that he doesn't require talents made Zuke have doubts about his sect.

"What I'm looking for is a disciple who can devote their life towards the Sect and even me," Daniel said with a hint of what the sect is all about.

It didn't take Zuke hours to comprehend the meaning behind it.

Daniel was telling him as clear as day that the disciples he would recruit would be willing to offer their bodies to him.

Moreover, the word 'Harem,' convinced him even more.

At this point, he was having doubts about whether or not he wanted to continue a friendly relationship.

But since he had already promised to fulfil the task, he couldn't go back against his words or else he would face Daniel's wrath.

"Young master, could you give us a little bit of time? I promise to give you an answer by the end of the day," Zuke said with difficulty.

"Alright, I can give you at least that much time," Daniel smiled.

He knew that Zuke was facing a difficult situation.

However, he wanted to see what conclusion he would reach by the end of today.

Moreover, it didn't have to be his daughter.

But Daniel's aim was for Elizabeth to fulfil the mission.

However, as Daniel was enjoying his tea, he sensed an unfriendly welcome.

Gently putting the cup on the table, Daniel muttered in a heavy tone, "It seems uninvited strangers are entering the city."

"What do you mean, young master?" Zuke was baffled by his sudden statement.

Nevertheless, a few seconds later, he could feel goosebumps, and he immediately gazed above the ceiling.

Without hesitating, Zuke ran out of his household, and he couldn't help but frown his eyes.

''Zuke Tristan, come out you bastard!'' All of a sudden, a heavy and domineering voice echoed throughout the city.

As the voice echoed throughout the city, a heavy pressure descended, causing an uneasy atmosphere.

The residents felt a sudden weight on their shoulders, and whispers of concern spread like wildfire.

"What's happening? Why does it feel so oppressive all of a sudden?" one resident exclaimed, glancing nervously at the others gathered nearby.

"I don't know, but it can't be good. Did something happen in the city?" another worried citizen speculated, their eyes darting toward the direction of the disturbance.

As Zuke reached the city entrance, he scanned the surroundings, trying to identify the source of the demanding voice.

Frustrated, he shouted, "Who are you? Show yourself!"

"Hahahaha," a maniacal laughter echoed through the air before a figure stepped forward, revealing himself in the dimming light.

"Have you forgotten me, Zuke?" The man's voice dripped with arrogance.

"Vasquez Kail!?"

Zuke gasped, disbelief etched across his face.

The realization hit him like a thunderbolt.

The Kail Family, known for its influence and power was the one who had broken the engagement with his daughter. 

"Ah, you do remember. It seems your memory hasn't failed you," Vasquez sneered, his eyes scanning the surroundings arrogantly.

"Why are you here, Vasquez? What do you want with my city?" Zuke demanded, his fists clenched in anger.

Vasquez chuckled ominously. "Oh, Zuke, you always were too naive. I'm here for what rightfully belongs to the Kail Family''

"The control of this city!''

''You're already old and you can't even break through the Daybreaker Realm''

''So, it's time for you to surrender to me!''

Back in Zuke's mansion, Daniel and Elizabeth, watched the unfolding events through the windows.

"Who is that man, Zuke?" Daniel asked, his eyes narrowing as he observed Vasquez.

"He's the head of the Kail Family, a powerful and influential clan that rules the City of Heza'' Elizabeth answered with concern in her eyes. 

''But why is he here, demanding control of my Father's city?" Elizabeth replied, a mixture of anger and confusion in her voice.

"You! You're already at the Transcendence Realm!?" Zuke exclaimed, shocked by the rapid advancement that Vasquez had achieved.

"Hahaha," Vasquez chuckled with a smug expression, delighted by Zuke's astonishment.

"Thanks to the gifts from the Imperial Families, I have gained quite a lot of resources."

His voice dripped with arrogance, emphasizing the significant advantage he had gained.

Zuke's mind raced as he processed the implications.

The Imperial Families were known for their vast wealth, power and influence, and it seemed Vasquez had struck fortune thanks to his son's luck of having an engagement with one of the Imperial Princesss. 

"We even have gained a guardian from the Imperials that has the realm of a Saint!"

Vasquez declared triumphantly, his eyes gleaming with confidence.

The revelation sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it, especially Zuke and Elizabeth.

"A guardian with the realm of a Saint?" Zuke muttered with fear and despair.

The presence of a cultivator at the Saint realm added a new layer of complexity to the already dire situation.

Zuke was just someone who was at the Foundation Realm and the Saint Realm was 8 realms above the Foundation Realm.

Elizabeth, standing beside Daniel, felt a surge of anxiety.

"Father, what do we do...?'' She muttered with despair. 

On the other hand, Vasquez continued his taunts. "Zuke, you have until sunset to surrender the city peacefully. Otherwise, I'll make sure the city that you love will crumble under my might!''