Shocked Beyond Words Part 6

Petra's bold request left the entire audience stupefied, jaws dropped in astonishment.

Her audacity took them by surprise; nobody had ever dared to make such a direct plea before.

Even the Patriarch of the Brancil Family, usually composed and in control, seemed momentarily flustered by her words.

The air was tense with anticipation as everyone waited for a response.

Petra's brave act had disrupted the expected decorum, leaving them all in awe of her determination and courage.

''P-Petra what are you doing!? How could you be so absurd in asking for a favor from the Great Master!? Quickly apologize to him''

The Patriarch's voice trembled with concern and panic as he reprimanded Petra for her audacity.

He couldn't fathom how she dared to ask for a favor directly from the Great Master.

Fearing that her request might have crossed a line and upset Daniel, the Patriarch urgently demanded that Petra apologize to salvage the situation.