Even the ground under her feet was directly bound by this gravity.

It collapsed in an instant and compressed into a huge bottomless cave.

The God Split Fire Weaving himself was directly pressed deep into the bottomless ground by this gravity.

From the outside, I can only see (ceai) in front of Su Mo, a huge black hole suddenly appeared.

Even the moonlight above his head couldn't shine on the deepest part of the black hole.

As if it really led to hell.

This is a move developed by Su Mo based on Fujihu's skill with a smile.

The huge gravity that can even crush the earth to the point of collapse.

If ordinary people are here, they will inevitably be pressed into meat sauce in an instant.

Even for a guy with a monster-level physique like Shenzhanhuo Ori, it is difficult to break free of this level of gravity.

"It's a pity that the size of the output is still a bit insufficient. "

Looking at the dark hole in front of him.

Su Mo shook his head and sighed.

"Not to mention reaching the Chandrasekhar limit, it can be compressed to the level of a neutron star, even if it is compressed to the level of a white dwarf! "

If it can be done to that extent.

Not to mention that gravity was enough to crush the saint easily at that time.

Simply derived from a high-intensity magnetic field, it can paralyze electromagnetic signals all over the world.

It is a pity that there is a limit to the output of LV5-level superpowers.

At least, with his current power, he can't deduce it to that point.

At this moment.

"This level of power hasn't reached its limit yet? "

From under the cave, there came the sound of God cracking fire weaving.

After a few seconds.

The dust-covered god cracked the fire weave and jumped out of the cave bound by gravity.

Shen Chihuo, who escaped from this trick, looked at Su Mo with fear in his eyes.

She finally realized one thing.

——The man in front of her is a strong man she may not be able to fight with all her strength.

Su Mo looked at her curiously.

"It's incredible to be able to escape from such gravity... the power of the saint is really incredible. "

Although Su Mo didn't think that this trick alone could defeat the saint.

But the god split fire weaving was able to break free so quickly.

It was indeed a bit beyond his expectation.

And heard Su Mo's words.

Shen Chihuo Weaving showed a wry smile.

It was the first time she had heard such an unhappy compliment.

"Being able to force me to turn on the God-splitting mode... your combat effectiveness is far beyond my expectations. "

As a saint, the God Split Fire weaving possesses overwhelming power.

All along, to deal with other magicians, she only needs to use "seven flashes" to solve ordinary battles.

Only when you meet those magicians who are a bit famous, Shenzhihuo Weaving will need to use "Only flash".

As a move that will allow her to instantly liberate part of the power of the Son of God, "Only Flash" has always been unfavorable except for facing opponents who are also saints.

There is such a powerful record of divine cracking, how could I not imagine it.

One day, I was forced to use the "god-splitting mode".

"If, the superpowers in Gakuen City have the power of you. "

"I kind of know why the Supreme Bishop will join forces with Gakuen City. "

It's terrible!

If it is said, as the "only flash" of nirvana.

It was only in a very short period of time that the power of the stigmata was liberated for a moment.

Then the "God-splitting mode" requires the God-splitting fire weaving to activate the stigmata with all its strength and maintain this state for a long time.

In the god-splitting mode, the strength of the god-splitting fire weave has reached the strongest increase.

Can conduct offensive and defensive battles in hundredths of a second.

Even if the opponent is an angel, he has the power to enter a stalemate.

However, even with a cracked physique, it is impossible to bear the power of the stigmata for a long time.

Therefore, the god-splitting mode is not a power that can be easily used.

Just now.

She had to do this.

If she didn't use the Rift mode, she wouldn't even be able to break free from that powerful gravity field.

And I want to avoid being sent underground again in the subsequent battle.

She can only be forced to maintain the "god-splitting mode" for a long time.

Because of this, the God crack fire weaving will feel terrible.

Such a level of power is only the third place.

What terrible power should the other LV5S in Gakuen City have?

She couldn't believe it.

Seeing the vigilant eyes of the god cracking fire weaving.

Su Mo couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"It's a pity that you guessed wrong in this regard. "

"Even among the superpowers in Gakuen City, I am a very special type. "

I heard Su Mo say that.

The God Split Fire Weaving breathed a sigh of relief suspiciously.

Fortunately, what is in front of you is a special case.

Otherwise, if these LV5S have such a strong power.

Isn't the science side going to press the magic side?

You know, although there are more than a dozen saints on the magic side, many of them are folk people, and there is no way to treat them as formal forces.

"Looking at you like this, it doesn't seem to be a force that can be maintained for a long time. "

Su Mo also saw that the skills of the god cracking fire weaving had undergone earth-shaking changes.

After a little thought, you can guess that she must have liberated the stigmata with all her strength and opened the "god-splitting mode".

However, Su Mo was not panicked.

Before obtaining the Golden Finger, superpowers were his greatest dependence for survival.

Naturally, it is impossible to only carry out the conventional development of ordinary skills.

Even in the face of the god-splitting fire weave in the mode of the god-splitting one.

Su Mo didn't think he needed to use other forces to ensure victory.

Superpowers are enough.

So, the two looked at each other.

They all saw the opponent's determination to decide the outcome of the next blow.

Shen Chihuo Woven the knife back into its sheath, and put on a posture of Juhe chopping.

Su Mo stood with his hands in his hands, and the surrounding air was windless and automatic.

The next moment.

The god cracked the fire weave into an afterimage and rushed with the power of thunder.

Its speed is several times faster than the previous Only flash.

Su Mo just raised a palm.

"Gravitational waves·space reversal! "

In an instant, Shenhuohuo felt that the direction of his sprint had turned ninety degrees without warning.


With the power of thunder, he fell directly to the ground.

"Boom--! "

Directly knocked the ground into a big pit.

The whole body of the person seemed to fall apart, and Shenzhihuozhi fainted directly on the spot.

Before fainting, Shenzhihuoori inexplicably remembered the conclusion she had drawn at the beginning-is this battle in her favor? ? ? .

Chapter 116

Only ten minutes.

Both Shenzhan Huozhi and Steele rushed to the street.

Seeing this scene, Intix almost didn't react.

"Su Mo is so strong! "

After reacting, she couldn't help but look at Su Mo starry-eyed.

Only then did he understand why he said before that he didn't have to worry.

With his strength, there is indeed no need to fear the saint.

On Su Mo's side, he cast his eyes on the two magicians who were already unconscious.

"These two guys..."

After thinking about it, ~Su Mo made a decision.

"Just lock it in the basement-! "

Anyway, he was in a coma-we couldn't ask questions.

If you want to expose the truth and thoroughly expose the British Puritan conspiracy, you still need to wait for them to wake up.

That's it.

About half an hour later.

When he woke up, he opened his eyes and could see the dim lights in the basement.

And Su Mo, who was standing in front of her with an inexplicable smile on her face.

If this kind of scene is still what she expected.

That's what Su Mo has in his hand.

It was completely unexpected to her.

Obviously there are electric lights, but if you use candles to illuminate.