The fine magic array is tiled in a structure similar to the retina.

In addition, there are similar magic arrays in the corresponding proportional structure of the lens, pupil, iris...etc.

"If you guessed it correctly, this should be the manipulation method of the magic eye. "

Su Mo could see the essence of this thing.

However, dropped items in dungeons generally don't beat around the bush like this.

Either simply give equipment or simply give skills.

Or it's just some cherished materials.

Although Barrol has LV7-level strength.

But it should also belong to the category.

"In other words, is there some kind of method that can be used directly? "

Su Mo thought for a while and put this thing on his eyes.

It seems that some preconditions have been met.

The crimson crystals began to heat up slightly.

Probably activated, it can give adventurers skills.


"This thing is a bit dishy! "

After a long fever, Su Mo felt part of the resonance between this thing and his eyes.

It seems to belong to the resonance of the concept of death.

But still haven't gained new abilities.

At this time, he remembered.

As the high-profile demon resistance of the godslayer, it is estimated that it played a role at this time.

Whether it is a beneficial technique or a harmful technique, it cannot be imposed on him.

It seems that it is really just a mere LV7 dropped item.

Even the magic resistance can't break through, and it is estimated that there will be no cherished skills.

Thinking so, Su Mo was not ready to throw it away.

Instead, he simply constructed the same magic technique one by one directly in his own eyes.

Try to see if it has any effect.

Anyway, he who has obtained the third method, even if the transformation fails, his eyes can be regenerated.

Don't worry, there are unbearable consequences.

Relying on the fine magic manipulation ability shared from Su Mo in the demon tail world.

Soon, Su Mo constructed the technique in the crimson crystal within his own pupils.

The moment when the magic eye technique of both eyes is successfully lit.

The red crystal in his hand broke directly.

The dead air contained in it was directly absorbed by Su Mo's eyes.

Because it was actively absorbed by the pupils of the eyes, the magic resistance itself did not play a role.

Blinking, Su Mo glanced at himself in the mirror.

It is still a magic eye with a rainbow-like color, and the color has not changed.

When using the magic eye, the dead lines and dead points seen have also not changed.

"What's the use of this thing"? "

After experimenting for a few minutes, Su Mo didn't find that his straight death magic eye had changed.

Although I know that LV7-level monsters drop materials, it is never possible to have power-level power.

Even the power of the beast level is impossible.

However, the vision has not become stronger, and there is no way to see through.

There was no change at all, which was beyond Su Mo's imagination.

"Is it possible that this is a waste ability? "

Su Mo thought suspiciously.

Just when he was about to give up looking for a difference.

He suddenly found something wrong.

"Wait! "

"Just now-the dead line on the mirror...did it move a bit? "

At his current point, he didn't think he would be wrong.

So I immediately experimented.

Sure enough.

As Su Mo watched, dead lines and dead spots appeared on the mirror as before.


When Su Mo controlled his gaze and wanted to move it.

That dark dead line, as he expected, moved a little bit.

Considering the dead air I saw before.

Su Mo roughly guessed the abilities that this material would give people.

"Is it the magic eye that manipulates the dead air..."

It's really just a waste skill.

If you are not an undead mage, you basically don't need this ability.

And in Eulalie's environment, it is impossible for an undead mage to appear.

After all, even the god of Hades is a god.

Desecration of the corpse of the deceased will not be allowed.

This skill is estimated to be only effective for undead monsters.

Therefore, even if there are adventurers who have acquired this skill.

I guess I don't know how to use it.

Probably it can provide a certain degree of convenience when dealing with enemies of the dead and undead types.

However, for Su Mo alone, this skill has another use.

The power that is common to the concept of death.

It allowed Su Mo to interfere with the dead line by relying on the concept of manipulating death.

So much so that there will be a phenomenon that makes the dead line of the mirror move.

"No, it's not so much movement as distortion! "

After trying again, Su Mo shook his head.

The previous conclusion was immediately overturned.

It's like being able to use this ability to distort the dead line of things.


Su Mo stared intently at the mirror in front of him.

Then use the maximum force to distort its dead line.


"Kacha! "

The mirror that no one touched suddenly fell apart and collapsed directly into pieces.

It was as if Su Mo had cut a dead line.

But Su Mo clearly didn't do that.

"Sure enough..."

He nodded suddenly.

Although it looks like a waste of power.

But if you manipulate it yourself, it's not dead air.

It's a dead line.

The situation will be very different.

A dead line is not something that is rubber-like and can be freely retractable.

Its elasticity is quite limited.

Once it is distorted excessively.

The dead line will break.

Objects will also collapse.

This effect is exactly the same as that of Su Mo himself cutting according to the dead line.

"In other words, I finally got a little closer to the power of the original code of Barroll's Dead Eye. Can I kill with my eyes? "

Su Mo touched his chin, a little surprised by the result.

It's a BUG to kill the magic eye.

But you have to be able to hit it before you can cause damage.

From this point of view, the Straight Death Demon Eye must be matched with a considerable degree of combat skills in order to be able to exert its strength.

This is the case for the masters of the Straight Death Demon Eye in the world of the moon.

This also leads to the fact that this ability looks strong.

At first glance, it is not difficult to deal with when someone knows the clues.

Just don't get hit.

Although Su Mo was able to rely on his superb martial arts, he ignored this.

However, you have to rely on your own attack of the magic eye.

Sometimes it looks very tasteless.

This was especially true after Su Mo obtained the [Sword of Silver Light].

The magic sword that can cut off everything, with its attack power, is basically enough to deal with most attacks.

If it doesn't work, add a light punishment-style BUFF.

If the two don't add up, it won't work.

With his current level of straight death magic eyes, he may not be able to see the enemy's dead line clearly.

It can't help but make people feel that the food is tasteless, and it's a pity to abandon it.

However, if you can kill people directly with your eyes.

The convenience of straight-to-death magic eye has been improved by several steps.

This skill is a perfect match with the Demon Eye of Death.

"~Although it is said that now you can only move the dead line of fragile objects, but the future is promising! "

Su Mo judged in his heart.