The focus is not on the battlefield itself, but the figure in the center of the battlefield. eight.

Chapter 372

Located in the center of the battlefield is a man carrying the banner of Zoroastrianism.

In a war that is a deathmatch, being able to survive can only explain one thing.

He was the winner of this battle and successfully wiped out the enemy.

However, from the back of this man, there was no joy at all.

Not only was there no joy, he was still crying.

It was a warrior who was crying and twitching while holding what seemed to be the corpse of a witch of the Moon Rabbit clan.

He was wounded all over his body, bleeding, and he didn't care about everything around him until the sword was broken and the arrow was exhausted.

But just let out a roar-like cry, and hugged the corpse tightly in his arms.

"What do you want to protect me? "

"This body is a natural evil god anyway. "

"Who was obviously knocked down by someone, it was the fate of being the devil--"

Torrential tears and shouts of grief.

Make everyone aware.

The true identity of this warrior.

It was the Emperor Shitian himself.

This kind of figure, regardless of shame and decency, hugging the corpse of the girl in his arms and crying constantly, makes people feel that he is an evil god or a demon king.

The look of lamenting for the lives lost in the scourge of war is no longer even a god.

On the contrary, it is as small as a mortal.

The girl of the rabbit tribe dedicated everything to herself and changed the fate of the warrior as an evil god.

The tragedy that happened in front of me is the truth of the Buddhist story [Moon Rabbit].

At the same time, it was also the biggest turning point for Emperor Shitian to change his mind, abandon evil and follow good, and switch to Buddhism.

The story of Emperor Shitian's conversion to Buddhism.

Everyone present knows.

However, when they really witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

But the mood couldn't help but get heavy.

Until the picture in front of you disappears.

Everyone still didn't speak for a long time.

After a long time.

The canary spoke.

"I really didn't expect... after making such a big determination, you finally became such a waste god now. "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Emperor Shitian retorted with some tears and laughter.

"Don't keep calling the gods and the gods, let me be the first of the good gods, the strongest in the twelve days of the guardian of the law!" "

For his boast, the expression on Canary's face did not fluctuate at all.

"Do you need me to remind you that after you converted to Buddhism, you were cursed for shooting your wife, and your whole body was covered with OO? "

Even if he converted to Buddhism, Emperor Shitian had a lot of black history.

Even if he becomes a good god, he is still a type of nature that is difficult to change.

Hearing this, Emperor Shitian instantly bowed his head and apologized.

"Sorry I was wrong! Please be sure not to mention this matter again! "

Even for him, this is the black history in the black history.

That kind of bad experience.

He didn't even want to remember.

Emperor Shitian begged for mercy, and naturally the canary would not hold on.

Thinking back to what she had seen before, she couldn't help asking.

"Emperor Shitian, since you changed your job to Buddhism for this reason. "

"Then why... looking at you, you don't seem to hate Zoroastrianism very much? "

Judging from the experience of Emperor Shitian.

Shouldn't he just change his mind and become a god again after the death of the moon rabbit girl who saved him?

In this way, he should abhor the things in his evil god period, right?

But both from his previous tone.

It can be seen from the fact that Emperor Shitian still has Zoroastrian invitations in his collection.

Emperor Shitian not only did not have a bad feeling for Zoroastrianism.

On the contrary, it still smells nostalgic.

See Canary's doubts.

Emperor Shitian shook his head.

"Whether it is me as Indra or me as Emperor Shitian, I have never questioned the path of our Zoroastrian patriarch! "

"What I did in the past to carry the body of an evil god and gallop in the box court was purely out of my original wish. "

Having said that, he showed a slightly bitter expression.

"In fact, the patriarch once told me a long time ago. "

"I am an evil god with a mission of 'betrayal'. One day, I will deviate from Zoroastrianism and become a good god. "

"However, at that time, I didn't understand what the patriarch meant, and I thought the patriarch was questioning my loyalty. "

"So, he began to carry the banner of evil and fight more actively on the front line. "

"Until...that day comes. "

That day, it naturally referred to the scene that Canary and the others had just seen.

As an evil god, you only need to be fierce and evil.

Use your own life to manifest evil, and then one day, you will be beheaded by a hero or a god.

Punishing evil and persuading good is the core doctrine of Zoroastrianism.

It is also the fate of the evil gods of Zoroastrianism.

Emperor Shitian, who readily accepted this, was already ready to die on the battlefield.

However, he was not ready to be loved by others and rescued with his life.


At the moment when the corpse of the Moon Rabbit witch was cold in his arms.

The genius of Emperor Shi finally understood what the Zoroastrian patriarch had said in the past.

Only then did he realize his destiny.

That's why I switched to Buddhism.

After hearing Di Shitian's words, Canary's expression was a little incredible.

"In other words, from the beginning, your betrayal was doomed! "

"It can even be said that your betrayal is the result of following the Zoroastrian mythology? "

"That's right. "

Emperor Shitian nodded.

The mission of "treachery" he carried made him doomed to betrayal from the very beginning.

This is also something he only confirmed later.

Seeing Emperor Shitian nodded.

Canary's doubts were not eliminated.

"Under the cosmology of his own group of gods, he specially created an evil god who would betray. "

"What's the point of this? "

For this doubt.

Emperor Shitian shook his head first.

"At first, I didn't know. "

Then, he silently turned his gaze to Su Mo beside him.

"But now, I seem to have a clue. "

"Perhaps, I was given the mission of "renegade", maybe just to wait for your arrival! "

Hearing this, Su Mo was a little surprised. . . . . .

"Waiting for my arrival? "

"That's right. "

Emperor Shitian nodded.

"The invitation letter that summoned you to the box court is something entrusted to me by the former patriarch. "

"Although the patriarch didn't explain anything, I confirmed it when I saw you. "

"You are a candidate for the gods of Zoroastrianism, and you have the qualifications to be entrusted with the spirit of the gods of Zoroastrianism! "

There is no bedding at all.

Emperor Shitian directly stated his conjecture.

Candidates for gods have the corresponding qualifications to become a certain god in mythology.

As long as he obtains the corresponding spiritual inheritance.

You can become the corresponding god.

The candidate of the original code in the original work, "Your Highness", has this qualification.

His true identity is the last of the ten incarnations of Vishnu-the savior Gargi.

If you can gather the ten sun sovereigns and complete the Lingge.

He will become the true savior Gargi.

Arrived in the realm of full authority.

And the corresponding, that is to say.

Su Mo also has the qualifications to become a certain kind of god.

As long as he obtains the corresponding spiritual inheritance, he can become a certain god of Zoroastrianism.

In other words, it is a three-digit number.

"Oh? God candidate? "

Hearing what Emperor Shitian said, Su Mo was a little curious.

"Which god are you referring to...? "

Speaking of adaptability.