In addition, with the power of the contract, Su Mo could easily accept Yakumo Zi as a demon and directly dominate her power.

When the strength reaches the level of Su Mo, there are as many means as stars that can be used to achieve the goal.

There is basically no difficulty in getting things like realm power.

"I just don't know, if we master the power of the realm, to what extent can we exert it. "

Su Mo of Fantasy Township World touched his chin and temporarily put aside the matter of Yakumo Zi.

The ability to manipulate the realm is the ability to fundamentally subvert everything in the world.

As we all know, because of the existence of the realm, everything can be established.

Without the water surface, the lake cannot exist; without the ridges, the mountains and the sky cannot exist; without the great enchantment of Fantasy Township, Fantasy Township cannot exist.

If there is no realm, then everything in the world will become a huge chaos? ? .

In the world of box court, the gift of realm is also one of the most cherished gifts.

Life and death, day and night, cold and heat...

The four-digit Grim reaper Kroa, and the four-digit Maxwell Demon, the power they possess is nothing more than one of the powers of the realm.

If you want to delve into it.

In terms of the nature of ability.

The power of Yakumo Purple to manipulate the realm is the same in nature as the power of the three-digit Halloween Queen.

It is not to master a certain type of realm, but to master the concept of "realm" itself.

This is a breakthrough-level ability that can match the power of the God of Creation.


No matter how powerful the nature of power is, if you don't make enough effort, it's just a joke.

The power of the realm mastered by Yakumo Zi can certainly be compared with the three-digit Halloween Queen in nature.

But in terms of mastering and exerting this power, it is far from it.

With the strength of Yakumo Purple Monster level.

Even if you hold the power of the realm.

The actual combat power is nothing more than the level of the godhead.

In the division of strength of the box court, it is just a five-digit division.

It is a world of difference from the three-digit all-around field.

Therefore, Su Mo had this doubt.

Even if you have gained the power of the realm of Yakumo Purple.

He didn't feel that he could directly gain the realm manipulation power that matched the Halloween Queen.

That is completely unrealistic.

However, with his current strength, even if he is the first to master the power of the realm, he will never really be as weak as a beginner.

One law and one hundred laws.

He, who has mastered countless martial arts and magic, is no stranger to the power of the realm.

"At least it should be able to play to the level of four to five digits, right? "

Su Mo of Demon Tail World guessed.

Vigorously perform miracles.

With his current huge spirit, even if he learns a fireball technique, he is estimated to be able to create a fireball at the level of destroying the country at will.

Not to mention the weird and dangerous power of the realm.

"It's probably the same. "

Su Mo of the Box Court World nodded, obviously with the same view as Su Mo of the "demon Tail".

"Anyway, I just need to use this power to insure the future gift games. "

"As the power of the game to unlock the conditions, this level is enough. "

He just wants the power of the gift as insurance.

In fact, the general gift game, no matter how it is explained by the poet, will not appear in the type that must master the power of the realm to crack.


Although there are not no poets who have the ability to do so.

However, from an aesthetic point of view, this kind of cheating is not even as good as the devil.

People with a little style should be disdainful of it.

After hearing what they said, Su Mo of the game Life World spoke.

"~On the newcomer's side, in addition to the power of the realm, there is obviously another thing worth paying attention to, right? "

"Haven't you noticed that the degree of technological development on the newcomer side has far surpassed that of the 21st century. "

He pointed out things that several other people had ignored for a while.

The outside world is generally just the background board for the story of fantasy township.

There are not many portrayals in the original work, but it can still be seen that it is an almost sci-fi future.

And based on the knowledge shared from the newcomers.

Su Mo was surprised to find that the unified field theory had almost been completed in the outside world of Fantasy Township.

A difficult problem that has plagued the physics community for hundreds of years.

It has been unlocked in that world.

This made him have to care.

"Strong interaction force, weak interaction force, electromagnetic force, universal gravity...All the four major forces have been unified, that is to say, the operation of all forces has achieved a theoretical end point! "

"That is a unified field theory that unifies all mechanics. "

"If this knowledge can be thoroughly digested and absorbed, the gravitational manipulation of the superpowers we hold will directly be able to reach a whole new realm! "

The development situation of Gakuen City.

It is the unity of electromagnetic force and strong and weak interaction force.

Among the four basic (Nono Zhao) forces, only gravity is like an orphan, and it cannot be integrated together.

This is also the reason why Su Mo's superpowers have always reached the bottleneck.

And now, he has obtained a brand new and complete theory, and he is fully capable of breaking through this bottleneck.

"If this theory is really thoroughly perfected, we may be able to reach the three-digit omnipotence field with a scientific view of the universe, or even higher! "

Su Mo of the game Life world said very seriously.

If the cosmology of basic physics on the scientific side is perfected, it will definitely not be weaker than the cosmology of the gods.

If it is really possible to perfect the basic physical cosmology on the scientific side.

That is more than just a three-digit attack.

It is very likely to be a two-digit cosmic truth-level achievement.

If this theory can perfect the entire universe model and thoroughly reveal all the phenomena of the entire universe.

That will even become a theory that reaches the multiverse level above the realm of full authority.

Therefore, he couldn't help but be careless.

PS: For plot considerations, the upper limit of the combat power of Fantasy Township will basically not exceed the world of Godslayer. This setting is limited to this book only. It is a private setting of this book. It has nothing to do with the strength of the first and second settings of the original work, and does not involve any intention to step on it.

So please don't spray combat power, kitchen power is more important than combat power! .

Chapter 390

The view of the universe is the foundation of the existence of the gods.

As in the literal sense, cosmology is an explanation of the reasons for the composition of the universe.

If the Zoroastrian cosmology dominates the world.

According to the dualism of good and evil.

The whole world will fall into an endless battle between good and evil.

Only those who keep good thoughts, good words and good deeds can reach a bright future.

If the cosmology of the Cross dominates the world.

Then everyone will be buried in the reason of original sin.

That will be a gray world where there is no distinction between good and evil, justification by faith, and no distinction between black and white.

Until the judgment of the end of the world comes.

If the Buddhist cosmology dominates the world.

Then the human soul will enter the three thousand worlds after death and reincarnate.

The six levels of hell will become one of the most important functions.

The world that the cosmology itself can dominate is undoubtedly plural.

In other words, a complete view of the universe is a force that can dominate the operation of the multiverse.

Nowadays, the full authority of the great gods is in the realm.

Including the son of the Cross God, or the Buddhist Shakyamuni.

In fact, it is just mastering part of the power of cosmology.

If there is really someone, they can fully grasp the cosmology of a group of gods.

Then he can arrive, where no one has arrived in the box court so far.

One digit!

Then he will be able to dominate the entire box court world.

And taking the world of box court as the starting point, the wireless three-dimensional parallel crossover world is all incorporated into his own rule.

With one's own view of the universe, it covers and dominates the entire diverse world.

Comparable to the domineering god in the world of "The Day of God's Wrath".

If the scientific view of the universe can be perfected.

That would be a force not weaker than the mysterious cosmology.

However, the scientific view of the universe is more inclined to the side of the seeking God than the domineering god who dominates the world.

Compared to the whole world running with my will, it expands its will outward.

The scientific side is more inclined to research-what is the world? What is power? What is the truth?

This is obviously a way to seek strength inward.

Because of this, Su Mo in the game life world has considerable expectations for the unified theory.

However, after hearing what he said.

Su Mo of Fantasy Township shook his head a little amused.

"Multiverse or something, you think too much! "

"Even in the world on my side, it's just the beginning of the interstellar era. "

"It's just the preliminary completion of the unified field theory, and it can't meet your expectations. "

Of course, the cosmology on the scientific side will not lose to the mysterious side.

However, the current degree of completion of unified field theory cannot be achieved to the extent that Su Mo imagined in 'Game life'.

"What's going on? "