In other words, it can greatly increase the strength of those who are capable.

Although it is of limited use for LV5.

However, for those with abilities below LV5, the usefulness is very obvious.

Fantasy networks are most suitable for those who enhance their abilities.

There are no special forces under Su Mo for the time being.

So, I asked the bee-eater to try it.

Although the bee-eater Guoqi is only a junior high school student, she does have a not-so-small force under her command.

Tokiwadai School is originally an aristocratic school that only the eldest lady can attend.

The students inside are basically all capable of LV3 and above.

In this school, the largest faction of bee-eaters has been established, and the number and level of capable people under his command even exceed the famous Anbe.

If all the members of the Bee-eater valve are blessed by the fantasy network.

That will be a force that no one can ignore.

However, because those members are all little girls after all.

Su Mo didn't expect them to come in handy for too much use.

He just wanted to strengthen the power of the bee-eaters and collect the adjusted data by the way.

Looking at the expression of the bee-eater praying, it seems that the situation is not bad?

Facing Su Mo's conjecture.

The bee-eater nodded heavily.

"Yes. "

"I let Fanfeng Runzi and the others access the fantasy network, and the strength of all of them has been greatly enhanced. "

"With their current ability strength, basically all of them have reached the LV4 level, and they are still among the best. "

The dominance of the fantasy network was given to the external brain by Su Mo.

And only the bee-eaters Guoqi and Su Mo have the control of the external brain.

Through his own administrator rights, Bee-eater Operation Qi allocated a considerable degree of computing power to his faction members.

The strength of these girls has naturally grown a lot.

Having said that, the bee-eater Guoqi narrowed his eyes and said with a happy smile at the corner of his mouth.

"After testing, it has been determined that the fantasy network is very stable and effective for the increase of capabilities. "

"In addition, there is a very surprising thing that happened! "

Having said that, the bee-eater asked playfully.

"Teacher Su Mo, can you guess what happened? "

Hearing her ask, Su Mo pondered for two seconds.

It's just access to the fantasy network, what surprises can there be?

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized a possibility he had mentioned before, and immediately moved his mind.

"Could it be that Runzi has upgraded to LV5? "

He asked in surprise.

Su Mo once confirmed that it is impossible to pile capable people to LV5 simply by calculating power.

There is a huge gap between LV5 and below LV5.

However, this one is not an iron law.

If it is those who are already qualified to reach LV5, coupled with the increase in computing power, it is very likely to cross this gap and become LV5.

Within the college city, there are actually not many people who have the ability to become LV5-level qualifications.

It's just that because of funding and various other reasons, these capable people have not received enough guidance, so they cannot grow to LV5.

Fanfeng Runzi, the deputy of the bee-eater prayer sect, is this type of person.

She originally had the qualifications to become an LV5, but because of her ability, her unconscious defensive instinct hindered her ability to play.

To make her grow further, it takes a lot of budget.

She was killed in this link, and she was given up without even knowing it.

After Su Mo and Bee Guoqi accepted the talent workshop, they would naturally not waste her talents like this.

After the additional budget was added, Fanfeng Runzi was able to continue to develop its capabilities.

However, because of the slow progress, she still stayed in LV4.

At this moment, I heard the bee-eaters talking about surprises.

He subconsciously thought of this girl.

Is it possible that she broke through the level after receiving the blessing of the Fantasy Network?

"I was actually guessed..."

Hearing Su Mo's answer in one bite, Bee-eater Jingqi couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

She also planned to wait until Su Mo answered the wrong answer and ask him to agree to some punishment game.

After being frustrated, she explained in detail.

"It's an upgrade, but it's not a complete upgrade. "

"After Runzi connected to the Fantasy network, although his output was comparable to LV5, it was still a bit worse in other aspects, and strictly speaking, it could not meet the standards of LV5. "

Gakuen City's requirements for LV5 are still very high.

It is not that if you catch up with LV5 on the one hand alone, you will be considered a superpower.

After Fanfeng Runzi obtained the calculated power bonus, he only approached LV5 in terms of output.

But even so, it has been greatly enhanced.

That's why bee-eaters think this is a surprise.

After all, if you count her own words.

The bee-eater valve is now equivalent to having an LV5, a quasi-LV5, and a powerful LV4.

This configuration has surpassed the elite Anbe troops.

"Moreover, according to this situation, as long as the development continues, it is only a matter of time before Runzi becomes LV5. "

"By that time, there will be two LV5S for my bee-eater valve! "

When it comes to this, the bee-eater's expression is very proud.

The configuration of dual LV5 can be described as a lineup that has never been seen in the entire Gakuen City.

She knew Runzi very well, and she was not worried that Runzi would leave her faction when the time came.

You know, Fanfeng Runzi and most of the people in the bee-eater group are among the victims of the talent workshop.

She and Su Mo, who destroyed the original talent workshop, can be said to be their greatest benefactors.

The relationship between them is not just the level of living a family.

And seeing the confident expression of the bee-eater Guoqi.

Su Mo pondered for two seconds before speaking.

"~It hasn't really reached LV5 yet...That is to say, the strength of AIM's diffusion position is not enough. "

The AIM diffusion position, although it has always been considered to be the aftermath of the ability of the capable.

In fact, it is a manifestation of personal reality.

The AIM diffusion position determines the strength of the superpower, and the computational power determines the size of the output.

At the moment, Fanfeng Runzi has barely reached the LV5 level in terms of output under the calculated force addition.

If she wants to be fully promoted to an ordinary LV5, what she needs now is not computing power, but the strengthening of AIM's diffusion position.

Of course, through formal development of capabilities, one can strengthen one's AIM diffusion position.

Most superpowers do this.

But, in addition, there are shortcuts.

"There is a way that Runzi can reach LV5 directly without side effects. "

Su Mo remembered the previously scheduled plan.

And heard this.

"What did you say? ! "

The bee-eater Jingqi lowered his head abruptly and looked at Su Mo on his lap, the stars in his eyes lit up a bit.

"Directly arrive at LV5, is there really such a method in this world? "

Because of her head down, the distance between her and Su Mo's eyes was less than 20 centimeters.,

The two looked at each other, and the bee-eater could feel Su Mo's breath, which made her cheeks start to get hot.

However, she cared more about Su Mo's approach than shyness.

The point of fantasizing about the network's enhanced strength is enough to be considered (is it good?).

However, increasing the computational power itself does not affect the strength of the ability itself. The true level of the capable person has not changed, so this is understandable.

She never expected that there would be a way to directly modify AIM's diffusion position.

This is equivalent to strengthening the personal reality of the capable person himself.

Is it really possible to do this kind of thing?

And in the face of this kind of question about bee-eaters praying.

"Of course there is. "

Su Mo replied calmly.

Then, under the very concerned eyes of the bee-eater Jingqi, he brought up another topic.

"The superpowers themselves are related to personal reality, that is to say, no matter what kind of strange superpowers appear, it is possible. Do you remember this? "

"Well, this is the content of the basic course. "

The bee-eater nodded.

Because it is related to personal reality, it is not surprising that no matter what kind of superpowers appear.

It's just that most of the people in Gakuen City are LV0 incapacitated.

Many strange forces are not even enough to be observed.

"Why did Teacher Su Mo suddenly mention this? "

She asked suspiciously.

"You said, is it possible...that there is a superpower whose effect is to control all other superpowers?" "

Su Mo said this possibility with a smile at the corner of his mouth. .

Chapter 459

A superpower that can control superpowers.

It sounds like in the comics, the devil or the brave will have the same level of BUG power as the plug-in.

If this kind of power really exists in the world, the bee-eater feels that the opponent is simply almost invincible?

Not to mention her, even if she is the first in LV5, there is no way to defeat this kind of opponent.

After all, no matter which LV5 is, they all fight on their own superpowers.

If the enemy has that kind of BUG-level power, he can directly deprive himself of his superpowers.