According to the mythical history of the Godslayer world.

Initially, Zeus swallowed Metis and Athena. In addition to responding to the prophecy, he also planned to incorporate the sky and thunder controlled by the body of Athena's earth mother god into his own.

However, Athena was not swallowed in the end, but jumped out of his head.

This caused Zeus to devour only the wisdom of Metis, but failed to deprive Athena of her sky attributes.

Stealing a chicken is not an erosion of rice.

As the daughter of Zeus, Athena instead inherited part of Zeus' sky power, so she is also known as the goddess of rain, clear sky, and spring thunder.

So when the two are superimposed, her sky attributes may be unexpectedly strong.

"Regarding the identity of Metis, although you have deprived yourself of your own wisdom, you are still one power short. "

"In mythology, Metis is the daughter of the lord of ocean currents and the Titan god Okealos, so she also has the godhead of the goddess of the Ocean, which Athena also inherited. Therefore, you should be able to integrate the relevant powers of the sea. "

"In addition to the powers of the sky, the earth, and the sea, the gorgon Medusa actually has a very complicated inheritance. "

"Although there is no astral spirit in this world, the star symbolized by Medusa is Algol, the dimming star in the constellation Perseus. "

"In Huaxia, this magic star is called Dalingwu. This star has the same inheritance as Alger on the other side of the box court, and its source can even be traced back to the earth mother god in ancient Mesopotamia. "

"In addition to the inheritance of the earth mother god in Mesopotamia, there are also the original demons in Hebrew mythology..."

It's like a treasure.

Su Mo said out the content he had studied.

The world of the Godslayer deserves to be a world with many vests.

A little research will find out.

If Athena gathers all the power on her vest.

At least four or five more powers can be obtained.

After gathering the attributes of the sky, the sea, and the earth.

Athena can even compare to the source of the Earth mother god.

Gain access to Gaia, that is, the power of the world and the planet itself.

Not to mention, there is also the inheritance in Hebrew mythology.

After listening to Su Mo's words.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, opened her mouth and couldn't speak.

Who am I?

Where am i?

What am I going to do?

Why does the godslayer in front of him know his power better than himself?

Who is Athena in the end!

For a while, she was in a daze. .

Chapter 488

Bring together all the powers of the vest.

The power obtained in this way.

Perhaps it is the closest to the original face of the God of disobedience.

The strength of the disobedient god is generally only related to his self-level.

If there is a high degree of self-will, even Mao Shen may be stronger than the main god.

However, having said that.

The amount of power still affects the combat effectiveness very much.

If Athena can recover all the abilities of all incarnations, her strength will inevitably make great strides.

As the earth mother god, she doesn't need to worry about curse power like a godslayer.

Snakes molt in winter and gain a new life.

Women bleed every month but do not die.

Athena, who possesses the terrifying vitality symbolized by these two, is equally terrifying in the amount of her curse power.

The increased power will only enhance her strength and means of meeting the enemy.

It's just——

"Although the attributes of the sky and the earth can be recovered by the concubine on her own, there is still no way to recover other powers for the time being. "

After trying it out, Athena said regretfully.

Nowadays, she is not the identity of Athena, the main god of Olympus.

Instead, he appeared as Athena, the queen of the Mediterranean.

Therefore, she can at most use the identity of the earth mother god to combine the three powers that connect the earth, the sky, and the darkness into one.

As for the rest, the power of the sea, the power of the devil, etc., there are some powers that are not yet available.

This is also a limitation that the God of disobedience itself has.

Although the gods have always done whatever they want, there is not much room for interference in this regard. The power of the disobedient god has been roughly framed when he used his vest to descend to the earth.

Otherwise, if enough power can be recovered, how can the disobedient god refuse?

Not all gods are as arrogant as Athena.

It's not that Perseus and the disobedient gods who lost to Su Mo didn't want to reclaim other powers, but they really couldn't do it!

And for this issue.

Su Mo naturally has a solution.

Studying myths and using the power of myths is not something that can be done with empty mouths and white teeth.

Even if Su Mo already possessed the power of the god of disobedience.

However, just relying on one's own understanding, it is very difficult to transform or expand the interpretation of power.

Su Mo was only able to do this in a short time.

It was not because the usurping of the power from Barrett made him proficient in the magic way.

It's because he does have a kind of power that can directly pry myths.

"It is the power of being a poet to narrate myths, sing praises to heroes, and undertake the stories of the times. ˇ. "

"The changes in mythology are themselves caused by the changes passed on by the poet, so there is no need to worry, leave the rest to me! "

Su Mo, who has the spirit of a poet, said so.

What poets are best at is bullshit.

For the transformation of mythology, it is the power that makes people good at it.

Su Mo didn't know much about poets, mainly from the canaries of the box court world.

However, he still knows the basic power of the poet.

"Creating a historical transition period out of thin air or something may not be enough with my current attainments, but it is not difficult for me to sing praises to the original myths and psalms. "

In the world of Box Court, the incident of Leticia's fall to the devil was because of the slander and slander of the box Court poet.

A monster of at least three digits was directly created.

Although it took a long time and the processing of countless poets to achieve this result.

But the terrifying power of the poet can be seen.

Right now, it's just singing praises to Athena's own power into her own body.

This is not troublesome at all.

"Fuerkus, the father of the hundred monsters, and the Siren Kerto have three daughters. "

"The eldest daughter Steno, the second daughter Yuri Ali, the youngest daughter Medusa..."

Soon, Su Mo began to sing, an important chapter in Greek mythology.

The content of the mythical epic "Genealogy" created by the ancient Greek poet Hesiod.

From the beginning of the line to the 286th line, it is the text that introduces the snake-haired banshee Medusa.

And with Su Mo's chanting.

The petite silver-haired goddess felt that the godhead in her body began to tremble constantly.

As if reality had been rewritten, as Su Mo sang, the godhead of Medusa in her body began to swell.

She already has the vitality of the dragon and snake itself.

But the highly poisonous blood of the snake-haired banshee was only aroused at this moment.

Legend has it that although Gorgon's blood is highly poisonous, it also has the healing power that can bring King Ericthonias of Athens back to life. This power comes from the divine power of the mother Earth god to connect life and death.

and now.

Athena not only became a bit stronger in vitality, but also mastered the toxicity of snake blood and the magic of Alger.

Then, when Su Mo sang praises to Motis.

Her wisdom attributes have also been supplemented, and because of the addition of the godhead of the goddess of ocean currents, she can master the sea from then on.

Not only that.

After the divinities of Medusa and Metis were completed.

The chant about Athena, the goddess of Olympus, continues.

The previous Athena integrated the power of the ancient Earth mother god, and did not complete the integration of the power of the goddess of Victory.

With the praise of Athena's psalms.

Her powers regarding the sky and the ocean have been perfected and become stronger.

The attributes of the God of War and the God of Victory have also increased.

In addition, the attributes of the patron saint of fertility and fertility, as well as the attributes of the virgin god who guards the virgin, have also been strengthened.

Sing such a chant.

Compared with before, Athena has four more powers.

In addition to powers, there are some attributes that are not enough to form powers, but they are also very convenient and easy to use, and I don't know how many have been added.

After the end, Athena, who unified her three incarnations again, was simply not on the same level as before.

Although not as good as the last king who was blessed by the covenant and supported by the gods.

But it also exceeded the limit that the ordinary god of disobedience could reach.

Feel the infinite power in your body.

Athena looked at Su Mo brightly in her eyes.

"~Words alone can guide the power of the gods, no wonder you have the confidence to gain the power of mythology. "

If mythology is a treasure.

It must be a treasure that everyone can see.

Everyone can see it, but no one can really open it, just because they don't have the key to open the treasure.

And there is no doubt about it.

The power that Su Mo just showed is the key to unlocking the myth.

After understanding the source of Su Mo's confidence.

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth and she asked.

"However, my master, obviously you have only just met, and you are willing to pour this level of power into me. Don't you worry that your concubine will betray you? "