The combat power of all members of the Jikai species is only 10,000 or 20,000.

And you have to know.

In the original work, on the battlefield at the end of the great war, all members of the machine Kai species relied on more than 10,000 airframes.

Directly carried the "divine Strike", as well as the common firepower of other alliances.

Finally, he stripped the essence of Artxiu, the god of War, and directly shot down the strongest god of war to the throne.

If it is said that 10,000 machine Kai species can defeat the god of War Artxiu.

Nowadays, these two hundred thousand models are available.

Even if you want to directly rule the entire game life world, there is probably no problem.

Sure enough.

Among the sixteen races in this world, the most buggy is still the machine Kai species.

"~Indeed. "

Su Mo of Box Court World also nodded.

"Two hundred thousand mecha species, combined with the combat power of this order of magnitude, should be enough to fight the whole world. "

With that said, he changed his tone and shook his head.

"However, there is no mention in the original work about how the machine Kai Species defeated Artxiu, the god of war. "

"If we want to ensure success, we still need to do it ourselves. "

With Su Mo's cautious character, he naturally would not entrust things to luck.

If the essence of the God of War is really stronger, the stronger it is.

The fact that he was stripped of his essence by Ji Kai seemed a little strange.


With Su Mo's current strength, it is no longer difficult to deal with the God of War.

The problem in this regard is not big.

"That's right, the last enemy naturally wants me to solve it myself. "

Su Mo of the game Life World nodded and agreed with him.

Even if you don't consider the question of whether Ji Kai can do it or not (Li Youhao).

Simply consider the agreement between him and Gipril.

Nor will it push this matter to others.

Hear what they say.

While listening quietly, Su Mo of the Godslayer World quickly figured out what they were discussing.

So, after seeing a few people talking, he immediately interjected and asked.

"Now that 200,000 mechatronics have been manufactured, do you have any results on the previous theory of unified mechanics? "

He also remembered that Su Mo, who first played the world of life, wanted to make the original intention of the machine Kai species.

It was because Su Mo, who was in the fantasy township world, got a unified field theory from the outside world.

The unified field theory, which is only applicable to the microscopic universe, requires a lot of computational power analysis if it is to be applied to practice.

This kind of mass-produced machine is for this computational power that surpasses the level of human intelligence to achieve arm strength that exceeds the limits of human beings.

Su Mo, who heard the Godslayer world, asked about this ring.

Su Mo of the game Life world nodded first, then shook his head.

"There are results, but not all results have been obtained. ".

Chapter 529

Hear the introduction of Su Mo in the game life world.

Su Mo of the Godslayer World nodded.

"The last time I heard this, it was last time. "

Su Mo of Box Court World also nodded seriously.

"Listening to your words is like listening to a word. "

Only Su Mo of Diga World was speechless.

"Then you all put it here and put it here? "

"Can you talk to someone! "

Hearing this, Su Mo of the game Life World smiled and shook his head.

"Hahaha, I'm not being a riddle man. I mean, only part of the results have really been achieved. "

Having said that, the four of them gave a high five together.

Shared his power with Su Mo, the last godslayer to arrive.

Then, Su Mo of the game life world continued to explain.

"As I have said before, the unified theory of mechanics is the unity in the microscopic state. "

"Although the macroscopic universe is also the manifested nature of the micro-universe, however, relying only on the mechanical formula of unified field theory, if you want to apply unified mechanics to the macroscopic world, you must have sufficient computational power. "

This is also the biggest reason for the need for mass-produced models.

Even in today's fantasy township.

An era of extremely developed science.

The most basic physical formula used by ordinary people is still Newtonian mechanics.

Newton's mechanics may have such and such problems.

The classical time and space assumed in the worldview has long been rejected by Einstein.

The formula extended in this way, whether it is in the micro universe or the macro universe at the astronomical level, there will be many deviations.

However, it is the most applicable formula in the scope of being close to people's lives.

Whether it is a formula based on relativity or a formula of quantum mechanics, it is too cumbersome to apply to the macroscopic world, and too much precision is added unnecessarily.

The same is true of the unified field theory of the quantum force field finally obtained.

Predict the movement of objects.

It is not a simple analysis of speed, acceleration, and friction based on Newtonian mechanics.

Instead, the motion conditions of all the objects contained in the object are analyzed, and then calculated uniformly.

In this way, the final result can be obtained.


The final calculation amount required is not at the same level as the calculation amount of Newtonian mechanics.

"Although the computing network of the machine Kai species, its own computing power is far beyond that of a super quantum computer. However, because one million Hubby was not created as scheduled, the analysis speed was inevitably slower. "

Su Mo of the game life world spread his hands and said his results.

"What I have done so far is just to refine the mechanical model of my own existence to the subatomic level. "

The particle model that exists by itself is the main content of his analysis.

The formula for unified field theory already exists.

And the formula itself does not need to be analyzed.

If you want to put the formula into use, you must perform a mechanical analysis of what you have come into contact with.

In this way, it can fully grasp its mechanical structure and play a role.

For example.

If the mechanical structure of a building can be completely analyzed and the corresponding mechanical model can be constructed.

It was quickly possible to analyze the shear stress, positive stress, tensile stress and compressive stress inside the building.

If you use the term of fantasy.

It is to grasp a certain eye inside the object.

If you use the right force, apply a suitable pressure to that eye.

It can play a special effect of four or two dials of a thousand catties.

It directly causes turbulence that induces the originally disordered shear stress inside the object.

The disordered shear stresses originally offset each other and did not reveal any characteristics.

But if the person is guided by a certain kind of force, from disordered to orderly.

It is very likely that the conflict of shear stress inside the object will be directly caused, so that the object itself will be directly destroyed by itself.

(ceba) That is to say.

As long as you have mastered the mechanical model of an object.

Even an ordinary person who has never exercised before, just control his strength.

It is possible to smash a boulder with one punch, or destroy a building with one punch.

The ancient boxing technique of the East itself uses this principle.

The phenomenon of metal fatigue that often occurs in industry now is also a manifestation of shear stress.

It's like a declaration of knowing oneself and knowing oneself, and winning every battle.

As long as the opponent's mechanical model can be successfully analyzed.

It can easily cause a crit with huge damage to the enemy, and may even directly cause the opponent to self-collapse.

However, this trick is difficult to play a role in actual combat.

After all, for Su Mo now, it is difficult for the enemy who needs him to use this trick to be analyzed very thoroughly by his hard learning model.

The computing power network of Jikai species can only be used in the game life world.

Since it is difficult to analyze the mechanical model of the enemy.

Su Mo naturally turned his gaze to himself.

No matter which world he is in, his own physical condition remains the same.

That is to say.

If Su Mo builds his own mechanical model, this mechanical model can be used by all Su Mo.

And through this mechanical model.

Su Mo can completely adjust his own way of exerting force.

Adjust the energy in each cell, including the movement of every molecule and even atom in the cell.

Then, the whole body and mind are unified, and the strength of the whole body is used to achieve arm strength beyond the limits of mankind.

It's like a subtle realm in infinite horror.

If this is achieved, even the arm strength of ordinary people is enough to split the mountains and the sea.

With Su Mo's current power, if he can master his own mechanical model, under this bonus, a punch of starburst will become easy, I am afraid that even the strength of a neutron star is not a problem at all.

Now, I heard Su Mo from the game life world say that he has completed his own mechanical model.

Su Mo in the box court world immediately fell into ecstasy.

"What do you mean! Being able to do this is already very powerful, okay! "

"With our current power, if we get the bonus of the mechanical model, it is not impossible to destroy the planet or even the galaxy with one punch! "

If you have enough computational power to analyze the mechanical model of the entire world, you may be able to touch the truth of the universe.

But even if he can only analyze his own mechanical model, Su Mo in the box court world seems to be very strong.