Ishtar, who thinks so, naturally doesn't feel that he is wrong.

And seeing her look so ignorant.

Su Mo shook his head speechlessly.

"Until now, haven't you noticed the point where you really angered the other party? "

Then he sighed.

As if playing with a puppy, he rubbed Ishtar's hair fiercely.

"Forget it, you are hopeless, just be a fool and raise your eyes. "

For Ishtar, he no longer has any superfluous expectations.

Hear this.

Ishtar immediately bulged his cheeks in dissatisfaction.

"Hello! What do you mean by being a fool! Are you looking down on this goddess? "

Su Mo naturally didn't mean to entangle the fool.

The figures of the two crossed the sky directly and soon returned to Uruk.



In the palace of Uruk.

Merlin and Gilgamesh looked at Ishtar who had returned.

After noticing Ishtar's expression, the two looked at each other, and then showed long-expected eyes.

"Sure enough, it failed! "

"I knew this guy was unreliable. "

With that said, both of them cast their eyes on Ishtar in front of them.

No need to ask, they now know the result

"Ishtar, you must have dragged your legs again, right? "

Gilgamesh said with great certainty.

·····*Seeking flowers·· ·····

Siduli on the side did not speak, but looking at her expression, there is no doubt that she has the same idea as others.

——My own goddess is causing trouble to others again.

"What! It's not my fault at all this time! "

Ishtar naturally resisted.

But this resistance was useless.

Gilgamesh and Merlin both ignored her perfectly and looked at Su Mo behind Ishtar.

Obviously, I felt that I could only discuss the problem with Su Mo.

Probably after exchanging the current situation.

Both Gilgamesh and Merlin showed extremely speechless expressions.

"Not only did he fail to rebel successfully, but he also lost the channel of dialogue. Ishtar deserves to be you. "

Gilgamesh frankly expressed his feelings.

. . . . 0 . . . . . . .

Merlin on the side touched his head with a headache.

"If this is the case, it is probably impossible to rebel against this goddess of the Underworld simply by words. "

"In other words, does the plan we agreed on before have to be changed before it starts? "

He has not made a good start, and now he can only change his goal.

"It's normal for the plan to fail to keep up with the changes, so just make a new plan. "

Gilgamesh was very open-minded.

He was not worried about this small defeat.

However, to the surprise of both of them.

After hearing what they said, Su Mo asked in a relaxed tone.

"Who told you that the plan is impossible to implement? "

"Hey...but now I don't even have the last chance to talk. "

Merlin shook his head in surprise.

"Now, even if you want to rebel, you have to lay down the underworld. The plan to rely solely on words has obviously failed, right? "

His words are correct, and even Ishtar agrees with this analysis.

Then, Su Mo just shook his head slowly.

After taking a look at the gradually falling sun on the horizon.

He glanced at Ishtar beside him with deep interest and said.

"No, even if you don't go deep into the underworld, there is still a chance to get in touch with Aleshkigal. "

"So don't worry, I will do it myself this time, and I should be able to successfully convince her. "

Even if Ishtar has destroyed 99% of the possibility of rebellion.

However, as long as there is still a one percent possibility left, it is not difficult for Su Mo to realize it. dry.

Chapter 586

Although he didn't know what Su Mo planned to do, since he said there was a way, Merlin and Gilgamesh looked at each other and chose to trust.

In the evening, after a meal at the palace.

Su Mo and Ishtar came to the altar.

Gilgamesh did not arrange an address for Su Mo to stay.

It's not because he forgot.

It's because, as Ishtar's lover, Su Mo is qualified to live directly in the temple that belongs to Ishtar.

In other words, the altar, which is as gorgeous as the palace, is now the property of Sumo and Ishtar.

With this level of residence, there is naturally no need to arrange ordinary rooms.

As the head of the priests, Siduli is responsible for serving Ishtar and Sumo, and she herself lives in the temple.

Having abandoned Merlin, Anna, who had been following Su Mo all the time, was also assigned her own room in the temple.

The way of the God generation's work and rest is to work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

So both Gilgamesh and everyone in Uruk City have returned to their homes to rest.

Su Mo and Ishtar naturally followed the custom and returned to the room specially prepared for Ishtar in the temple.

As a goddess who often descends, Ishtar often lives in the temple, so there are all kinds of daily necessities in it.

After the two entered the bedroom together.

If it were according to the original character, Ishtar, who would definitely feel shy and uneasy, did not react at this time.

She leaned against the window and looked up at the sunset above her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Since the mission failed, after meeting Gilgamesh and the others.

Ishtar has always looked so sullen.

This fool, who has always been an optimist, seems to have rarely thought about life.

For her, this should be a good thing.

Su Mo didn't bother her either.

Instead, he walked slowly to Ishtar's side and looked up at the sky with her.

At this time, the setting sun had already set under the mountain.

But the remaining edges were still shining brightly, and the clouds were flushed with light.

In the opposite position of the sun, the light of the moon is faintly visible.

Even the starry sky vaguely appeared.

If you divide the day into day and night.

Then at this moment, it belongs to the time when day and night overlap.

The sun has not completely dissipated, and the night has quietly come.

Whether it is the sun attribute or the night attribute, you can get a certain degree of bonus at this moment.

And it won't be long before, after the night comes, the attributes that belong to the underworld and darkness will become stronger.

What Su Mo was waiting for was precisely such an opportunity.

Before, both Gilgamesh and Merlin believed that because of Ishtar's waywardness, it was impossible to rely solely on words to rebel against Ereshkigal.

Or, the probability is less than one percent.

However, Su Mo didn't think so.

The dependence he thinks so is actually very simple.

There is actually another way to talk to Ai Lei without breaking into the depths of the underworld.

This approach comes from Ishtar himself.

Ishtar, the hostess of Heaven, and Ereshkigal, the hostess of Hades, are actually twin sisters who are one in appearance.

Su Mo found out when we met before.

Although the deities of the two are different because of their powers.

But the divinity is almost exactly the same, just like the isomers that are divided into the structure of yin and yang poles, the existence of the two is actually very similar.

It seems that for this reason, the connection between the two is much deeper than that of the average sister god.

At night, Ai Lei can directly replace Ishtar's consciousness.

It was directly replaced with his own consciousness, and Ishtar felt nothing, just thinking that he was asleep.

And once the other party chooses to do so.

Su Mo was able to get the opportunity to have a dialogue with Ai Lei.

As long as you get this opportunity, with Su Mo's understanding of her character, it is not difficult to convince the little angel Ai Lei, who is simply tsundere.

That's why Su Mo is so confident.

As for whether Ai Lei will come tonight.

There is no need to doubt this.

Even if the noise is fierce on the surface, the sisters still care about each other very much. . . . . .

Suddenly today, I saw my sister bring a man back.

Ai Lei will definitely come to test it very curiously.

Therefore, she only needs to wait until late at night before her consciousness comes.

It turns out.

Su Mo's inference is completely correct.

After a big fight with Ishtar during the day, Aleshkigal, who returned to Hades, became more and more angry.

She felt that she hadn't played well when she quarreled before. She obviously had a lot of sharp words, but she didn't have time to say them at that time. Now when she recalled it, she suddenly thought of a bunch of words.