She will inevitably retaliate fiercely for this hatred, not only will she die, but she will most likely also involve her family.

If you don't kill a snake, you will suffer from it.

After realizing this, they gritted their teeth and had to pull each other off their horses.

There was a "boom".

The ministers who had gloated together before gave a wink, reached a consensus, and all knelt down at the same time.

"Lord Kainas, I want to report it! Hinco Nirbalian murdered all the elders of our Forest Spirit species for power! "

The leading courtier said loudly.

These words are not purely false accusations.

They originally felt that it was impossible for the elders of the family to really go to retreat to study any repair techniques.

Although Sen Shen didn't know why just now, he actually approved Xin Ke's statement and admitted that he had encountered a catastrophe.

But discerning people can see that this is just a simple cover-up.

Because of the endorsement of the gods, they are naturally unable to attack at this point.

In that case, find another way.

If the "heavenly tribulation" is not a fact, then the retreat of the elders must also be a lie.

They must be dead.

If you catch this firmly, it will be enough to cure her of her sins.

The ministers believed that no matter how much Kainas wanted to cover up the other party, it was impossible to ignore the deaths of so many elders.

You know, before that, only these high-ranking elders could contact Senshen.

Facts have proved that their judgment is extremely accurate.

After hearing this, Sen Shen was taken aback.

After looking around, he realized that there were no familiar faces among the Sen Jing species who were kneeling down at his feet.

"What's going on? "

The look in his eyes when he looked at Xin Ke began to become uncomfortable.

If she really killed so many elders, he would never let go of this person who broke the order.

Facing this heavy question.

Xin Ke's expression was more relaxed than before.

She showed scornful eyes and said in a sarcastic tone.

"Master Senshen, you won't forget it, will you? You left that day, but the elders and I were still in each other's sight! "


When it came to this, Kainas' momentum suddenly stagnated.

He was not happy to tell this shameful thing, so he could only ask very vaguely.

"Were the elders all killed by that person? "

"Yes. "

Hinco Nirbhaya nodded without the slightest hesitation.

This is the truth.

Kainas, who saw that she was not lying, looked a little embarrassed.

Most of the deaths of these elders were his fault.

He guessed that it was because he escaped too fast, and the other party could naturally only kill his family members to vent his anger.

It's better to say that the opponent did not destroy the forest spirit species, in fact, it is already in a good condition. .

Chapter 600

As a kind of god, he is also a kind of god who is proficient in various techniques.

Kainas naturally had the means to confirm whether his subordinates had lied.

After judging that everything Xin Ke said was true.

He didn't plan to continue to pursue it.

Otherwise, wouldn't the affair of running away by yourself be exposed?

As for why, only Xinke Nirba could survive alone, but he also had a number in his heart.

In Xinke's previous report, it was mentioned that the other party valued this Hua Guanqing's talent and wanted to accept her as a subordinate.

Presumably it is precisely because of this.

He deliberately didn't kill her when he was angry.

And since Xinke Nirbalian was still in Senjing Seed, he did not follow the other party to leave.

That must be rejecting the other party's request.

Thinking of this, Sen Shen couldn't help but cast an appreciative look at her.

Don't get me wrong, what he appreciates is not the "loyalty" shown by Xin Ke.

For him, he believes that it is natural for the race he created to be loyal to him, even if it is facing the threat of death, the forest spirit species he created should obey him unconditionally.

So this kind of thing is not commendable.

What he admired was Xin Ke's cleverness.

"Loyalty" is of little value compared to natural justice.

What he cared more about was that Xin Ke knew how to help save his face, and did not tell others about his escape.

This face is much more important than the lives of those elders.

The two of them are here as riddles.

He didn't say anything, he was in a state of being suitable for a monarch.

But those ministers before were not so calm.

After attacking the current Queen's Royal Highness twice, the entire Forest spirit species has no place for them.

If it were to die down like this now.

There is only one dead end waiting for them.

Just after the desperate failure, they roughly realized that they were unable to return to the sky.

But the survival instinct of life made them unable to admit defeat so willingly.

So, their eyes flushed and they knelt on the ground, as if they were about to drown, grabbing everything they could grab, and screaming indiscriminately.

"Master Kainas, you must have been deceived by this bitch! She killed the elder! "

"Yeah! Lord Kainas! This bitch even changed the ancestral system and established the dynasty of the Forest spirit species, which is simply punishable! "

"Seeking rebellion, Hua Guanqing must want to rebel! She is unfaithful to you! "

The ministers were incoherent and began to slander Xin Ke in various ways.

Although they all feel that they are talking nonsense.

But in fact, these words are unexpectedly close to the truth.

I heard these words that slandered Hua Guanqing.

Senshen, who was already weak and had no decisiveness, was still a little hesitant.

After all, the elder system has existed for a long enough time.

Suddenly, he was changed to the imperial system by Hinco Nirbharan, and he also felt a little wrong.

However, when he heard that these people were denying the loyalty of Hinco Nirbalian, he finally understood that these ministers were just biting senselessly.

Not to mention, under the judgment of the power of the gods.

He soon discovered that these ministers actually didn't believe that Xin was a traitor, but just talked nonsense.

After realizing this, his expression immediately became difficult to see.

"Huh! Unfaithful? "

He sneeringly glanced at these forest spirits kneeling on the ground, then glanced at the calm-faced Xinke Nirbalian, and shook his sleeves dissatisfied.

"Even at the most critical juncture, Hua Guanqing did not waver in the slightest. "

"During my absence, I have also worked hard to maintain my image and maintain the internal stability of the Senjing species. If she is unfaithful, there will be no loyal Senjing species in the world! "

After these words, Sen Jingzong, who was standing in the Xinke faction, immediately showed ecstatic eyes.

With the endorsement of the gods, Her Royal Highness's status has been directly stabilized to an extent that it can't be added.

After that, you no longer have to worry about the constraints of those old-school nobles.

After hearing this, Xinco Nirba was also taken aback.

When she still recognized that she was a people of the Forest God, Kaenas wanted to exchange her for the magic inheritance of the forest spirit species.

Now that he has betrayed, he has become the most loyal forest spirit species in the world?

What an irony.

"Wait! Lord Kainas--! "

Hearing this, the hearts of the ministers suddenly fell into the abyss.

What else did they want to say, but Sen Shen was already impatient at this time.

"Shut up! Guys like you who deceive the Lord God are not qualified to discuss the issue of loyalty! "

The gods were angry, and the heavens and the earth changed color.

Even the gods who were frightened by Su Mo and fled, they were not something that a mere forest spirit could resist.

The moment Shenwei swept by, the atmosphere shook.

·····*Seeking flowers·· ········

Next, these ministers were directly crushed into dust by the wind, and all of them lost their lives.

At this point, the last rebel forces left over from the Senjing Seed Dynasty were also burned.

And it was the Sen God who knew nothing that helped Xin Ke achieve this.

After seeing the Sen God clear the last resistance to his control of the Sen Spirit species, Xin Ke immediately lowered his head.

Hold it! Can't laugh!

It seems that she hadn't frightened the snake before, and it was indeed correct to summon Su Mo in advance.

Now, the suspicion of his betrayal has been cleansed, and he has even become the first loyal minister of Mori Seiki.

If today's events are passed down, she will be able to speak up and implement drastic reforms.

It's just that before doing so, there is still one last level to pass.

When she was thinking like this.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

Sen Shen, who had calmed down, also thought of this question, and he immediately asked.

"Speaking of which, why did Hua Guanqing change the Sen Jing species to the imperial dynasty? Didn't the previous parliamentary system work? "

As a god, he doesn't have much enterprising spirit, and he just wants to live his life with all his heart.

Therefore, as reflected in the management of Sen Jingzong, he is also accustomed to the unchanging system.

Although he knew the loyalty of Hinco Nirbharan, he did not doubt her intentions.

But even so, he didn't want to let Xin Ke reform.

"If there is no need, just change the system back! "