Chapter 5 “When Butterflies turn to Ash”


So called "entertaining" day at work. Meetings, documentation, preparations, chatting about mundane matters and making jokes about the strangeness of the life cycle. One might say it's a typical work day.

I had my research in stacks. Each representing a specific topic related to the general file, that read - "Erick Sparrow /Lazy Cat/".

Few knew that I became his house mate just to figure out the strange occurrence of the logical irrationality. Sadly to say, Lazy Cat was my experiment patient, who gave the strange information. He seemed like the fine person, up until the point when he was expressing the involvement with this parallel universe and a strange person he relates to.

At first it seemed like an appearance of alter ego. Maybe due to false information which could plunder into his head from someone or something. But with every passing day this hypothesis began to clash and crumble. It was not supported by any reasonable explanation. Erick was an absolutely strange patient.

Getting ready, packing files, saving data, closing all. Then getting one long check across the office floor filled with cubicles. After another deep breath - back to field work.

Had to meet Erick in a cafe, as he typically sat there after morning lectures he taught.

He sat at the table next to the window. Making his observations, fully lost in thoughts. I could only approach and act "normal". For what my "normal" was.

"What are you thinking of?" - I asked, having a feeling that I don't want to know.

He seemed to be preoccupied with own thoughts, therefore might not have understood that it's me. He answered in a relaxed manner.

"These creatures remind me of story, that we once made up with Niko. It is a small tale about Fairy who ended up losing wings."

"Fairy who ended up losing wings" - I repeated as I pressed the "record" button on a device in my pocket.

Erick looked up at the sky, tilted head, then continued.

"The Fairy who approached human and fell in love. It happened one day as we were observing the butterflies in the garden through Nikos eyes. Just happened to mutter the story as butterflies were spiralling around flowers and trees. It went like... The Fairy grew up next to a garden made by humans. She lived her life there."

"One day in this marvellous garden a boy appeared. He liked to sit with his back against a tree, looking up to the sky, his face unnaturally pale. He looked dazzling to Fairy. She hid, as she observed the boy. With one sided love blossoming and continuing for years. Fairy and by then, Young Man, sat there - in the garden. In silence and solitude, observing time passing by. Fairy was mumbling to herself, hidden next to the Man : 'You look at the blue sky again, it's clear today, just the way you like it. This breeze makes your soft hair tangle a bit.'"

"Then out of nowhere a dark fairy of an old religion appeared speaking to a young fairy. Saying that she could turn her into a human. So that this boy gets to know of her feelings. Muttering that the price shall be negotiated later. Fairy agreed excitedly. Next day, as He came into the garden to sit on the same spot he was respectfully using for years - appeared a young girl. She wooed him with her beauty and his love at first sight was born."

"They sat there talking about the sky and endless time. Suddenly - dark fairy of an old religion appeared in the disguise of an old witch - cursing the turned fairy to become a butterfly and the boy to become fire. Whole love ended quickly - with butterfly burning to ash from the flames. Fire withered out with ash in it, due to the rain that soon came. A bit of a very sad romance. But I think that Niko and I have a thing for such stories."

Erick looked at me now, his eyes piercing into mine. Every time he looked in my eyes I felt stripped down. Like he saw through my skin and bones. To me, that was a lot of pressure to put up with every time.

Erick got up from his seat, picked his bag and started to walk off.

"Where are you going?" - I was confused.

"Going home." - He coldly replied with a tinge of annoyance.

Evening crept. I sat in a conservatory. Having tea and mulling over the lot of ideas. Morose at the end of the day. Erick walked into the room and sat in the chair. It was just plain silence for a while. Then as I turned my head to look at him - I found him asleep on the chair. Looking so peaceful.

He liked his conservatory. And it was absolutely the lavish place. Once he said that he felt at ease here. Guess he lately decided to do his best at ignoring my presence.

I turned to watch the scenery behind the glass wall. World devoured by darkness, bit of moonlight peeking out from the clouds.

Sort of like demons and dark souls are trying to take over the world, and the moon shakes them off every time it comes out to watch the planet.

"It is a marvellous night. Don't you think?" - Gentle voice of a woman made me jump in my seat from surprise. Getting me to turn around, in search of the source of the voice. There she stood - right next to Erick. Black and red hair, pale skin, strange clothes. She was half see through, like a ghost.

This is an abnormality. I have never seen anything like this. All the data I read and processed, studied, meticulously observed, yet there was nothing about such development.

"Ah... indeed." - My voice sounded like it belonged to someone else. So unrealistic and shaky.

"I know who you are, Elyon. I know what you do. I think it is about time I get on with introductions. My name is Niko. I think Erick mentioned about me." - Gentle and cold simultaneously. Her voice gave me shivers.

I was stunned by the frozen in time piece of fact. There is a 'ghost', in front of me and its speaking.

Slowly the mind begins to see that it truly is not 'part' of Erick. It... Niko exists? That was not a possibility up until now. This is on a level of something unreal. Absolutely not possible. Yet how?

"Don't fear me, dear. I am of no harm. Unless you threaten Ericks peace - that is when I am of harm." - said 'ghost' and smiled at me. She seemed to know that my research is not just keeping 'tabs' on him.

"I am not doing anything to him," - I finally got my voice back, - "I am just..."

I needed to ease this tension, in case things get complicated.

"You are just 'researching' him. Because you find his stories 'intriguing'." - Niko cut me off, slight sarcasm in her tone.

"Yes," - I breathed out, - "I am researching Him... And…"

At this moment I was not sure what to say. Was it now up to this creature to continue the story? I did question her existence and I still do. But seeing Her is more than something odd and new. No available science can explain - This.

"Would you like to ask questions? Anything?" - Niko, with sarcasm, seemed to encourage me.

I felt that this could turn worse. The pressure of trying to not make mistake was getting me anxious.

"What are you? I was sure that you are Ericks alter ego. Not something like... This." - Some droplets squeezed out of me. I wanted to ask so much more, yet I was not sure if that would be 'fine'.

She put her hands on top of the chair, where Erick slept.

"I am more like a ghost in this realm, but I am a living being in mine. I am an actual person, with own life and things to do. Family, problems." - She smiled at me, then looked at Erick. - "As for Erick... I am a differently connected with him. We have a link that keeps us resonating with one another. Therefore we are like two parts of the same mind, just in two different places at the same time. In a way like a voice in your head. Able to look through each other's eyes, listen through each other's ears. Estranged and alienated."

She lowered her hand, fingers touching Ericks head.

"I allowed Erick to have a walk in my body once - that was a lot of new experiences for him. He found it tough, but he keeps on coming back - asking me to give him my body for a few 'walks' now and again."

I couldn't make out if she could actually 'touch' him. I got up, walking closer to her. She didn't seem to mind me coming closer to take a look at her.

"So, he was telling the truth all along... But how can this happen?" - My hand reached out to touch her, to feel what it was. But she turned, dodging my touch.

"Maybe one day you'll see…" - Niko abruptly stopped, then looked aside. A kind of reaction when someone calls you.

She spoke in a cold, serious tone.

"I have to go now."

Just as I opened my mouth to say words - she vanished in thin air.

Unclear of what just happened or how to digest it - my legs decided to take me to bed.

I think I am too morose right now to process any information. And this information is greatly beyond my understanding at the moment.

I left Erick, Lazy Cat, sleeping in the chair, inside the conservatory.

Though - I could swear, when I was already at the end of the hall, going upstairs - he woke up and said something. But I was already too far to make out words.

What caught my attention - the fact that it for some reason scared me.

It gave me chills. I felt like I don't know the person who stayed there. At all.

With these thoughts crawling through my head like bugs - I stood in my room looking around. Simple room: chair and table opposite the window, then very big windowsill that perfectly can fit and hold me sitting there. Bed in the corner of the room and an old dresser. It recently became part of my life. But right now - it seems to swirl into the abyss of nothingness. Leaving a feeling of absence. But, should I look for it? Where is this outer space knowledge that will make me whole again?

Getting into bed, staring at the ceiling - like it will have the answer written on it. Am I just going insane or is this truly the new reality?


World is lit bright with moonlight. Stars are endlessly mimicking the blinking of one another.

"You will take care of her, right, Niko?" - I said as I opened my eyes, hearing footsteps at the end of the hall.

Right now the ghostly appearance was hard, touchable and as real as me. Niko reached for my hand, gripping it tight, her face drew closer to mine. I could feel her breath on my cheek, as she spoke.

"You don't need to worry. I'll erase her if it needs to be done. You know I will."

I closed my eyes, breathing out heavily.

"I know you will protect me."

I turned to face Niko and kissed her gently on the forehead. My hand reached her face, palm cupped her cheek - as I pulled her softly, our foreheads touching.

"I love you." - I breathed, feeling like worries flee away. I like the touch of her soft, warm skin.

"I love you, my Muse." - Her voice is stern and soft, with a slight tinge of her being tired. She gave me a gentle nod, then vanished again.

I sat looking at my hand, which just a moment ago touched her.

"You always leave that feeling of ash in my hand, as you fly like the night moth. Bloody butterfly in the sky..."