Better to know your place

she looks at Denver and put the tablet on the table while Denver asserted " as you saw the whole scene by your own eyes, the mob who stole my bag of drugs and killed one of my important people in this CCTV footage, he mentioned your name that he belongs to you "

" there's a lot of these types of gangs which are organized by me, I can't recognise every person's face, it's not possible for me " she stated in a cold and serious tone

" oh really, I think you are not capable enough for this responsibility," he said in a furious way

" see who is saying this, that person who can't manage his job properly " stated sarcastically further she said to him " you are the one Mr Denver who invited me here for managing the stuff " while standing from her seat

" The thing is this, Ms Ana I was just saying that your mob already killed my member, I'll forget this thing but after when you will give me back my drugs," said in a low voice, she was standing there, holding her glasses, full of swag

" Are you insane why would, I will give you that bag,"...sigh...

"Ms Ana" voice echoes in the room

Ana's bodyguards and escorts took out their guns and pointed out towards reaction, Danver's escorts pulled out their guns also and pointed out towards Ana, but they were fewer than Ana's guards in number when Denver saw this situation gesture to his guards and tell them to put back their guns

" It was your mistake, you should know that you're in my area, and your bag will not be returned to you" she started walking towards the door, Denver hit the table with his hand in full outrage, At the door, she turned back and said to him " Better to know your place, next time "

when she left, he screamed " you will have to pay for it "

* * * *

At headquarters, 5:00 pm

everyone was ready to leave, Anthony stood in front of his desk and checked his files, Daniel comes towards him " hey are you free for a coffee " he asked while sitting at his desk...

" what" Anthony stated in a surprising reaction

" I mean, would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me " stated while brushing his hair with his fingers

" do you wanna drink coffee with me," he asked...Daniel nodded his head and said " are you seeing someone else here, but okay if you are not comfortable, you don't want to go with me " he was ready to leave the place

" I didn't say no yet, okay let's go "

he stated " but the place would be my choice " and began to walk towards the main door, Daniel gave archaic smile moreover began to walk behind him

* * * *

At a Coffee Shop,

Anthony takes a sip of his coffee and put the cup on the table then he asked Daniel,

" Okay tell me the exact reason why you invite me here "




" Don't you think it's just because I want to drink Coffee with you on this beautiful night " while shaking his cup of coffee with a playful smile




" I don't think so "




" you got it right " while thinking " Actually there's something I want to know from you "




" Do you want to know about Ana "

" yes Sir I want to know about Ana because I hear that you are the one who was behind her" his statement was cut off by Anthony "I was not behind her I am still behind her"

" Oh okay, then could you please tell me about her and what was the reason that you failed to catch her "




" about her, all I have to say is, she is a bitch " said in frustration

" I don't think so we need to abuse her after all she is a woman " while raising his eyebrows

" you are talking about ' abusing; if the things could be in my hand I would love to shoot her at the very first spot "

Daniel gives a surprised reaction " I think she did something very serious to you "

( Flashback )

Chief haired me for this case, I was very happy because it was the biggest case in my career, I planned everything, and I was too close to her...that day

The phone bell rings...

" Sir, she has a meeting today at *** bar"

" All of sudden "

" yes sir, it's confirmed news "

" Okay, we will be there at the time, you just be careful "

" yes Sir, we will win "

" why not "

phone ended

At the Bar, the assistant of Anthony argues with the manager of the bar, he was ordering him to empty the bar, but tha manager of the bar was not ready, Anthony enters and asked what's the issue, and the assistant told him about the situation

"do you know, that you are arguing with cops" stated in a straight tone

" I know sir, but today in our bar there is an important meeting, they are our regular customers, if we close the bar, we will face a huge loss "

" We are also here for that meeting "

someone enters with some paper in his hands..." oh here you are, now we have the court orders too, now you don't have any choice"

manager orders his staff to empty the bar...

" Alright, now there are just our members, no one from outside allowed here " he ordered the manager and the staff you guys also go from here...

After 2 hours,

they all are in their positions, an officer asked Anthony " Sir are you sure, that they are coming here today "... " yes I'm confident, Lukas was sure about this information "

" Sir what if he played a trick on us, what if he is now with Ana "

" no, it can not be possible, he is one of the most devoted officers in our department" he stated while seeing at the main entrance

A man enters the bar, all in black, with a box in his hand, they all were seeing him and pointed their guns towards him, he just enters and puts down the box,

" This is from Ana, for Anthony "