7,600 Years Ago...
Earth was dark and dying, species of all kinds roamed the land as food was scarce and territory wars were a constant. Species hunting other species for food or sport and pushing the lower beings into hiding as their destruction spreads across the land.
The Gods watch in horror as all their work is slowly decimated and realizing that their ambitious, although wonderful, will be their ultimate downfall if they don't intervene.
Humans... The Gods greatest creation was meant to sustain the Earth's core with energy, but there was a fatal flaw that was missed as the energy just dies out before it can rejuvenate.
At the brink of extinction, The Gods worked endlessly to correct it before it's too late and with great haste, they decided to create a 2nd Realm, another Realm coinciding to The Earth Realm where they can channel that energy to its core, but it will be at a big sacrifice as a lot of their creations will perish in order to preserve the land.
Needing to maintain the order of the 2nd Realm, The Gods were split between two species- The Fea and The Vampires as their long life spans make them the best candidates, but with many pro's and cons on either side, the debates were endless and all for different reasons.
After a lot of deliberation, they chose the Fae as their complexion alone would prevent them from blending in over time. The Gods did change the Vampire's DNA for the better though as they will sustain themselves on supernatural blood instead of humans and then tied their souls to the bats, allowing them to procreate.
Now after all their work was put in, it was time to implement their plan. The Gods pick and chose certain species all across the earth that will stay and that will go and foretold the flood...
The great deluge, rained for 40 days and 40 nights where multiple seeds were planted to chosen pairs of each species and the first Sentinel Beings were born, with a promise to be back. The humans across the world and their many religions believe that their god will resurrect, but what they do not know is that it isn't their salvation, but ours...