Early in the morning, I headed into the Luna office to see a gaggle of women mooning over wedding decor and styles, Olivia sitting in the chair with Sadie and Angela on either side.
"Ladies... How are things coming along this morning - Anything I can assist you with or that you need?" I asked all at once and they all looked up and smiled.
"Everything is going according to plan and to be honest the most relaxed wedding I've hosted," Olivia said leaning her elbows on the desk and clasping her fingers together as Angela leaned her hip against the chair,
"Yes... Alpha, it's been a wonderful start to the week and I am happy with how Olivia is handling everything, hopefully all goes smoothly," she said when my cell phone rang and looked at the screen with a restricted number popping up.
'I better take it in case it's important' I thought,
"I cannot thank you enough Olivia for all your help and I will have Mrs. Parsons bring up some breakfast," I said quietly as answered the phone.
"Hello?" I answered and heard my Gamma on the other end "Daniel..."
"Jackson! Man… glad to hear your voice, a lot going on here," I said turning to walk out the room, "How are things coming along with you?" I asked and he chuckled.
"It is good to hear your voice too," he said sounding distant, "I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to let you know that I am getting out," He said assuredly and I beamed a smile.
"Great? When will you be home or is it just temporary? Will you be home for awhile?" I asked, my questions shooting off left and right and Jackson just laughed,
"Yes, Alpha I am getting discharged," he said oh a sigh, sounding down.
"That's good news... Right?" I asked quizzically as his tone does not convey excitement from someone that is coming back from war.
"I miss being home" he agreed and I let it go, then thought to lighten the mood,
"Well… We will be happy to have you here, when will you be coming home?" I asked and he said hopefully before the end of the year.
"Good… Some things have changed over the last few months, Patrick found his mate" I announced and told him everything that has happened up till today.
Jackson was exited for our Beta and told me to wish him the best and that they will celebrate once he returns, then we hung up with each other. I did not mention anything about Cassie, since I am not too sure what will come about that yet and I closed my eyes, imagining the way she came apart in my arms with only a touch.
The image that's burned inside my brain, has my wolf half crazed with need and I knew I wouldn't have stopped at a taste and my body has been in a constant state of arousal since I left her a few days ago.
Her scent is all around me, all the time and not that I'm complaining, but Kate and Cassie have been out enjoying the activities and we've barley had anytime alone, then... When we do get away, duty calls and she must leave again, it's infuriating.
I got up early today hoping to catch her before Kate did "And! Maybe... Have some alone time' I thought as I looked down from the top floor few as guests walked around as I descended the stairs to Cassie floor and walked to Cassie's door.
Listening in, I hear a faint sound of her humming some tune, so I knew she was awake.
"Knock, Knock" I said as I tapped on the door and the humming stop suddenly, followed my an "oomph" and I smiled, waiting patiently,
"One minute…" she called out and I heard some rustling, then some muttering and the door swung free.
"Hi..." She said, patting her head and making sure her clothes were straight, 'she is ravishing,' I thought, even first thing in the morning and my wolf grumbled his approval.
"Good Morning, Beautiful," I said and it only made her smile more as a pink tiny filled up her cheeks, embarrassed by my admiration.
"I came to see if you wanted to have breakfast with me," I asked leaning my forearm against the door frame and she perked up.
"I would love that!" She said and put on some white strappy sandals on and walked out the door, "ready" she stated cheerily, hugging my upper arm with her head and arms in excitement
She's so intriguing, one moment she seems sharp and elegant, regal like and then bubbly and new, almost innocent the next, 'despite her young appearance' I thought as we walked down the stairs and into the dining room, where there was a buffet with the complete works.
"Oh! It all smells so good," she beamed and grabbed a plate, loading pancakes and French toast, scoop of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, with a ton of syrup over everything and I laughed as I grabbed 2 plates myself, filling them full with similar foods and a lot less syrup.
We headed to a table in the corner and sat next to each other and ate our food in a comfortable silence, smiling and laughing at nothing, when she looked at me suddenly with sad eyes and I knew what that meant.
"I have to go," she said with a sullen face and I didn't want this to end, but I knew she had to go,
"Wait!" I said and she looked at me confused and I didn't know what to say, so I said the first thing that came to my mind, "Take me with you…" I asked and
she looked at me with a shocked expression at the request and then regarded it curiously, "maybe," she shrugged with a smile and took my hands in hers.
Everything went dark for a blink of an eye, then we were in front of a yellow house with a chain link fence running around the whole property.
"Well... This is a first, I don't know what you will see or hear but we're here" she said, looking at me with a smile and I nodded my understanding, even though I don't know where here is.
A gun shot rang out at my thoughts, prompting us both to run up to the house and Cassie gets to the door first, swinging it open to the most grueling site as two bodies lay on the floor dead, brains and blood splattered everywhere, 'looks like a murder suicide,' I thought, feeling and then heard Cassie say "wait" and turn around at the door, speaking as if someone was there.
I turned away from the scene and sat on the steps, maybe in shock of the incredulous situation, but Cassie walked back towards the gate we came through and all I could do was watch it play out.
"it's ok, accidents happen, she's fine... Your both will be fine and you can start over, all is forgiven" she said with her hands up in a "whoa" gesture and
you might think she is crazy standing there talking to nobody, but I know there is a soul there.
Next, "she promised" and said she will have her come out, turning back towards me...
"Sweetheart, you still in there?" she called out, stating her gentleman is out here and needs to see that she is fine, which made me pause.
'He did just kill his lady and then himself' I thought wryly.
"See... She's is still here," she said, gesturing towards me and I looked behind me, 'still a brutal murder' I thought.
"Jessica, that is a beautiful name, can you come over here sweetheart?" she cooed and extended her hand towards me and all I can do is stare as she ask the gentleman his name and I almost laughed, but due to the seriousness of the situation, I would not dare.
"Andrew… I'm Cassie and I'm here to help" she said as she reached out behind her, wrapping her arm around nothing.
"Jessica... beautiful as ever," she said and looked back at me rolling her eyes and I scoffed silently and sat there for what seemed like forever, hearing a one-sided conversation, like she is on the phone giving an assuring "uh-huh" and "I know..."
I was getting lost In my thoughts as I was watching her, when a bright blue orb started forming on the inside of her, like a baby in a womb. it started as a speck then slowly grew, getting brighter and brighter, reflectively making me sit up a little straighter at the change in the experience.
The orb was from inside her, like they were one and I am a little freaked out as I'm not sure what is going on, but Cassie doesn't seem to be affected or even seem to realize it is happening.
"Your life doesn't end here Andrew... You get to move on and start a new life, just like Jessica," she said and there was a pause as Cassie held out her other hand for someone to take and then there was a second blue orb beginning to grow inside of her... 'The souls!' I thought as Cassie turned towards me.
She walked nonchalantly up the steps, two lights still floating around the inside of her and my eyes are as big as saucers and she regarded me with curiosity as she sat down next to me and seems oblivious to the two bright blue orbs floating around inside of her.
Taking a deep breath, she rested her head on her hand and looked at me, "your staring..." she said tucking her hair behind her ears and I'm just
Cassie looked at me intently, "you're looking at me like I am crazy," she said and sat up with a pout and.... I laughed, I couldn't help myself, I laughed so hard that tears were streaming down my face and all the while these blue orbs were just floating there, slowly fading away from inside her, like a dying light - until they were gone.
Cassie frowned her displeasure and I wiped the tears from my face, "I'm sorry," I said, apologetically, as I'm trying to catch my breath, "this is not a laughing matter," I conceded, trying to contain my laughter and she looked as me exasperated.
"You got that right!" She said in annoyance as she grabbed my hands into hers and darkness fell over us again, when next we were in her room. She turned towards me, putting her hand on her hips, "Ok, spill the beans... What did you see that was so funny, when two dead bodies lay on a floor?" she asked with irritation in her voice and I looked at her a little soberly.
"Definitely not funny... I'm sorry, it's just seem that you are the vessel for the souls," I said and she rolled her eyes, giving me a duh look and I pointed to her stomach, "like a baby" I clarified and that shocked her as she put her hands to her stomach, looking at me.
"What do you mean?" she asked and I thought she knew what happens, so it was my turn to look at her in shock and confusion, "you mean you don't know?" I asked and she shook her head and I was thinking how best to describe it to her.
"when you were interacting with the souls, you looked and sounded normal, but when you called the soul to come to you… I don't know, touch them or something, it's like you draw them into yourself " I informed and she looked at me with shocked fascination, "Really? That's kind or creepy" she said and I chuckled at her words.
"That wasn't even the creepiest part, it looked like two blue orbs were hovering inside you and you were emitting this bright blue light the whole time, even when you walked back towards me and it was as you were sitting with me on the porch, when they slowly faded away." I explained with her rapt attention and her eyes bugged out.
"In all the years I have been doing this, I always wondered what other people saw," she said on a half laugh and I was stuck on In all her years.
"I never saw that with other Sentinel Beings either, even during training periods, a Sentinel Being will accompany and mentor you and even that is not something I saw, odd that you see that" she said with a frown, contemplating.
"How long have you been doing this?" I asked and she looked at me for a minute, giving me a sly grin, "How old do you think I am?" she asked and I rolled my eyes, 'like I am dumb enough to answer that question' I thought and she just laughed.
"Ok, Ok... Sentinel Beings stop aging at 35 when they transition and my transition was about 47 years ago." she said, nonchalantly surrendering and I quietly did the math, 'No Way!' I thought as my eyes rounded, "Your 82 years old!" I exclaimed in shock.