I was in my office with Patrick and Brutus is laying at my feet, the hound has hardly left my side since he arrived here and I'm not sure if it is because of he's attached himself to me or he just recognizes I'm Alpha, but we've seen to be in sync.

"I got a call from Alex at the Forestry Service and they recovered Burt Jacobs body and will notify any next of kin," he said and I nodded my approval, "Cassie will be happy about that." I responded as Brutus looked up to the sound of his owners name,

"You hear that Brutus? They found your old master and he will be taken care of," I commented and he perked up, coming to stand by me and I rubbed his ear with a hand and he grumbled a sound of contentment as he laid his head on my lap.

"Go Figure Patrick, a Pack of Wolves owns a Bloodhound," I said comically and Patrick grinned, Well there is a first for everything here at the West Mountain Pack," he concurred and we both laughed, then remembering my call earlier, "Jackson called" I said and Patrick sat up expectantly.

"Oh... A shame I missed his call," he said a little bummed, "how is he doing- Did you tell him about the wedding?" he asked all at once and I half smirked.

"He said he's getting discharged and will coming home by the end of the year hopefully," I said on a sigh and Patrick picked up on my less than excited reaction,

"I would think that would be excellent news, why the long face," he asked concerned in his face and agreed with him that it's unusual, but then again, Jackson is has his reasons.

"I told him what has been going on since we talked last and he seemed genuinely happy for you, but we will just have to play it by ear when he gets home and make sure we are there for him," I stated and he nodded.

Kate suddenly came into the room without knocking and a fire in her eyes "Uh Oh…" Patrick said taking the thoughts right out of my head.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" Kate said angrily and Brutus whined, scurrying under my desk with the Alpha vibes pouring off my sister, however... I am Alpha here and I will not be scurrying anywhere, anyone else wouldn't get away with such insubordination.

"I don't know what I have done to deserve such anger sister," I growled out and she didn't seem to get the hint as she walked towards me in a rage.

"OH NO! don't you play dumb brother, you know exactly what I mean?" she challenged and I scowled at her, I really do not know what she meant, unless it was me being with Cassie, in which case she has no say.

"Kate, I really have no idea what you are talking about and if this is about earlier with Cassie, Well... Frankly its none of your business," I said and that only seemed to anger her more.

"None of my business!" she exclaimed as she threw a sheet of paper at me and I lost my patients with my sister, I am the Alpha here and she is not going to come in and start talking to me in such a way of disrespect,' I thought and I felt my wolf's agreement.

"ENOUGH!" I growled and slammed my palm on my desk as I stood up and she folded, glaring at her, I piced up the paper she threw and turned it over to find a note from Cassie:


After recent revelations I must leave immediately and Im not sure when I will return, please do not worry for me I am safe.


While I was reading, I hear Kate's voice softly in the background, "I find you hiding out in my friends room doing god knows what and then she just disappears not to be seen or heard of" She said a little heartbroken and I looked at my sister in understanding, which seemed to take some of the heat from me.

"What happened Brother?" she asked sitting up and I did not respond right away, lost in my own thoughts, 'was it because I told he she was my mate or that I denied her?' I wondered and my sister seemed to see some distress in me and came by my side,

"My Alpha," she said gently and I looked up, my sister's chocolate eyes staring back at me and really, I don't know how I ended up with blue eyes as neither one of our parents had blue eyes. The elders thought I was blessed for something special, but Kate just thought I was adopted.

"Brother... She has been missing at least a couple hours, what happened with Cassie?" she asked gently and I sat back down at my desk, heaving a sigh, "I told her she was my mate and if she wants that too, then she can come to me when she is ready," I answered her truthfully and both Kate and Patrick had eyes of shock.

"Mate! Why didn't you tell me?" Kate asked loudly with excitement in her eyes and I looked at her with an annoyed expression,

"I just did and I am sure she has to be somewhere around here, maybe she went home for a while to get away," I said reluctantly, .

"She wouldn't just leave without telling someone, that is not like her... Right?" I asked more to myself and got up from the desk.

"Patrick have everyone search the grounds and surrounding forest in case she decided to go out on her own - Kate you can take me to her house and we can to see if she had went home instead." I directed and everyone nodded their understanding as we strode out the door.

Kate and I headed down the stairs and out the front door and climbed into my black Toyota Tacoma, heading down the driveway and off the property.

'I wonder why she left, was it something I did or didn't do? Did she leave because I didn't take advantage of her?' I thought to myself and scoffed, that's ridiculous.

"Why would she leave without telling anyone where she was going?" I asked aloud in confusion.

"You got me, I hope nothing happened to her" she said and I rolled my eyes, I swear my sister sometimes, 'The woman is old enough to be your grandma' I thought with a smirk.

We drove in silence for 20 min and Kate pointed down the road to turn on as we came into town, "five blocks that way and then make a left, it's the blue house on the end," She said and I followed her instructions.

It was around eight pm and the sun was still up, but light was fading as we walked up to the door, knocking...

"Cassie are you there?" Kate called and got no response and she was about to knock again, when the door opened and a man came into view.

My wolf saw red instantly... Taking control and before I could even respond, I had my hand wrapped around his throat and slammed against the wall with a growl and learned in, "Where is she?" I spoke around my elongated canine's.

The guy's eyes popped out as he struggled with my hand, fear emanating from his pores, "She is not here," he croaked out loudly.

"She left over five days ago and asked if I could watch her territory while she was away... I Swear!" He forced out and I let go, backing away as my wolf is on a barely contained thread,

"You need to Chill Out!" I said inwardly to my wolf.

When I saw a man in her home, I had almost blacked out from the force of my wolf, 'his control has never been that strong.' I thought as the man regarded me warily and rubbed his neck.

"She came to me and said "she will be out of town for a week and if I could come stay in the area," he finished, looking at me and guilt ate at me.

"Sentinel Beings are more nomadic creatures, but we do coordinate amongst each other to ensure we don't over exert ourselves." He said cautiously and I felt like a jackass.

"She was with us and then up and left out of nowhere, we were just checking to see if she might have come back here," Kate clarified in a friendlier tone and the man nodded

"if she returns, I will make sure to tell her you were here, but by what she told me last, she didn't expect to be back till Monday if that helps any," he said and I just nodded.

Pointing to my chest, "a little possessive," I said unapologetically and he nodded back in understanding as I left Cassie's house with nothing to go on and no idea when she will return, "My little Minx better have a good explanation" I said softly under my breath as walked back to my truck and headed home.