
When he bit me, it was as though he was electricity and it ignited up my insides, like I was an empty battery fully charged and I feel alive, more alive than I've ever felt even before my transition and and it can't be turned off, a constant ebb and flow between the two of us.

"Wow... Do you feel that too?" I asked him breathlessly while still intertwined, listening to his heavy breathing and he nodded

"Yeah, it's amazing" he said with shakiness in his tone and slowly turned me around to face him.

"What happens from here" he asked cautiously and I smiled at his worrying tone "I am yours Daniel... No more leaving" I confessed and his eyes grew wide with my omission.

"Your not a sentinel being anymore?" he asked shocked and I looked at him with love, placing our hands over our hearts

"I am your mate, the one made just for you and our souls are combined, till we both go into the next life. Now it's our job to make new souls" I said and he smiled, pushing me gently to lay on the bed and then started kissing my stomach.

"Well… that's a job I can get behind" he said teasingly and I laughed at him, basking in his love until I got the chills suddenly and nausea reared its ugly head. I swallowed slowly, hoping it would go away, but the burning was from deep within and I'm not sure if this in normal.

"Are you alright?" Daniel asked with concern in his voice as he rubbed my back and I leaned forward, unsure of what is happening all of a sudden.

"I don't feel so good" I mumbled and started to break out in a sweat, my body feeling flush as I looked up to Daniel and he turned his head with confusion and then widened his eyes in understanding "Your wolf!" He exclaimed and I looked at him with shock, 'I get a wolf!' I thought as no words left my lips and Daniel just smiled brightly,

"Your wolf must be getting ready to shift" He said standing up from the bed and grabbing his shorts, leaving his chest bare and I just stare in appreciation, when I felt and heard a rumble out my mouth and I looked up with a gasp and covered my mouth.

"Did that come from me?" I asked, needing confirmation and Daniel just chuckled as he walked towards me and slipped his shirt on over my head. Uncontrollably, another rumble tore through me as his scent engulfs me and all I can do is stare in horror at my actions as the fire that's burns inside intensifies.

"Well... She is enjoying her mate's attention and just expressing herself. Our wolves don't talk to us per se, like you read in a books unfortunately and it's will be more her feelings or instincts that come through, so learning to communicate and understand each other will be the challenge for you both.

I named my wolfs Rex and he is eager to meet you both." Daniel replied, reaching for me and

we walked out of the room, when Kate's door flung open as Daniel closed mine,

"Girl! Where have you been? I almost had to challenge my brother for scaring you away" she teased winking at her brother.

"Like you could take me" I heard him grumble and I hid my laugh behind my hand, "I went home to visit my mom, you guys act like I was gone for a week" I said confused

"You Were!" they both answered in unison and I stared at them both, shock on my face.

"Wow… Sorry about that, time in the 2nd Realm varies," I said and Daniel seemed to accept that, but Kate got excited like a little kid,

"You went to the Second Realm! Really... What is it like?"

she said and looped her arms in mine and

I was about to tell her, when Daniel cut her off.

"Kate I love you, but Cassie and I have a lot of news and a short amount of time to process it together, so I will briefly fill you in, but there is a lot of I don't knows, so hold on questions till we figured it out." He stated plainly and I nodded in confirmation.

"Cassie and I are mates and she's done passing souls, now she is a wolf like us and about ready for her first shift" Daniel finished and Kate stared at us both eyes wide mouth agape, with a big smile on her face.

"Your going to stay!?" she exclaimed loudly in excitement, jumping up and down while squealing and grabbing hold of my arms, "Oh I'm so excited, I get a sister" she said just a searing pain tore through me.

"Ahhh!" I yelled, clutching my stomach and Daniel lifted me and carried me outside to the edge of the forest and there was a lot a people out here, suddenly I was feeling self-conscious of my body.

"I know this natural for werewolves" I stated quietly, "but I don't just strip in front of people." I said nervously to Daniel and put my face on his chest "You can shift in my shirt if it makes you more comfortable" He assured me and that made me more relaxed "ok what do I do?" I asked.

"It will hurt... A lot, for the first few times, until you get used to it. Push past the pain and let it wash over you, accept it as if your giving up and don't try to fight it or it will only hurt worse," he added and I thought, 'great' pasting a strained smile on my face.

"Close your eyes and think of your wolf" he instructed and so I did, mixed emotions going through me, my stomach doing flip flops as I think of my wolf. I called out in my head... "Wolf?" and I heard and felt her rumble, which caused me to jump a little, still getting used to the other side of me and

I relaxed completely against Daniel.

Giving over to my soul, I listening to Daniel's heartbeat and focused on the heat, willing it to burn brighter and hotter letting it fill me as tears fall from my eyes and suddenly... I started to feel a brush of fur on the inside of my skin, causing me to shiver as the heat continued to build.

It was warm and soothing at first, but as it kept rising in intensity and I wanted to scream from the burning fire as I gasped loudly, looking into Daniel's anguished filled eyes, when my legs cracked... "Ahh!" I finally screamed and dropped to my knees as my body contorted unnaturally, twisting and breaking and I was about to scream again, when something else came out as my face as it contorted.

The most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my life shoots through my brain, up in my nose and out my mouth as canine's sprout along my jaw. Claws rip through my fingernails and I yelped, fur sprouts along my skin until my body settled and I grumbled in exhaustion.

I open my eyes to see Daniel when instead I see "My Wolf…" I thought as the big black ball of fur is standing in front of my with his smokey midnight eyes and my wolf grumbled.

I grinned internally, 'Our Wolf' I amended and she just huffed as she stood up, stretching her paws and turned towards Max, exposing her throat allowing him to nuzzle us in acceptance.

Suddenly, energy surged into us from all around, a great burst of power as tendrils quickly leak into my being as if I spool being wrapped in yarn, realizing it's the pack as their energy filled me with so much love and acceptance, that It brought tears to my eyes.

So many souls filled me from within that I thought I would implode, but then the earth's energy burst out from within me and ebbed back into each soul as the packs yarn wraps into my soul, connecting me far and wide as their Luna.

The Earth touching a soul is a blessing that few have ever experienced, let alone witnessed and everyone was in awe, as each one had their own spiritual experience with the Earth. It was bright and healing as awareness came back slowly to people surrounding us, tears in their eyes and smiles on their face.

I looked up to my striking black wolf, with his midnight blue eyes and know I'm where I belong as my wolf took control, nuzzling her mate affectionately and then we took off into the woods with a jolt, leaving our mate.

Feeling the breeze through my fur and the ground beneath my paws, I run in delight with the smell of the forest surrounding me and the start of my new beginning as I sensed my mate and I felt his pride as we ran through the forest.