As Trunks was walking down the road of Route 1, he decided to try and take a shot at this battling thing. He saw a Rattata in the grass.
"Some birds prey on mice right? It shouldn't be a problem to fight this little critter. What do you think Jack?" Trunks asked his bird Pokémon that is a Spearow that is currently nesting on his head. Oddly enough, the bird likes to be outside of his Pokeball.
The bird Pokémon cries out it's species' name in response to Trunks' question of fighting the Rattata. It flies above in the sky and circles the mouse waiting for the command of it's trainer.
'Lets see…' Trunks thought as he checks his Pokedex for Jack's possible moves list. Oak had told him the basics of being a trainer during their lunch, such as the basics of battling, a trainers privileges, and a run down of the essential knowledge he needs.
Ass he scrolled on his Pokedex, he sees the move list.
"Alright…uh…use Peck?" Trunks commanded, wondering how it would go.
The bird did as it was commanded. It swooped in and hit the unsuspecting Rattata. It was a one hit K.O. Trunks did not know that it was a critical hit.
"Wow, that's amazing!" Trunks exclaimed in wonder as the Spearow landed on his hair once again and smiled and puffs it's chest proudly.
Trunks then checks the Pokedex again and sees that his Spearow's ability is called "Sniper". An ability that raises critical chance and critical damage by 1.50x.
"Maybe that's what it was…" Trunks mumbled as they continue to walk forward. "Ah! Dagnamit! I forgot to capture it! Oh well…" Trunks mumbled.
Trunks continued to walk until it was night time, so he decided to camp in Route 1. Of course, he could've flown to Viridian city quickly, but where would be the fun in that? This adventure reminded him of how his father would venture into unknown worlds and conquer them. Albeit Trunk's wasn't here to conquer it, he wanted to get the full experience just like how his father, Vegeta would. So he decided on not flying unless needed.
Also the fact that people here doesn't seem to know about the knowledge of Ki or how it works. He doesn't want to be branded as a freak. Or let his secret of being a time traveler/ other worlder to be uncovered.
He takes out a capsule and tosses it a few ways beside the road, smoke puffs and reveals a very large, spacious house with the logo of Capsule Corporation.
(The same one Goku gave Broly, Photo not mine)
He heads inside and is very pleased with his accommodation.
The makeshift house consisted of a living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom and 3 rooms including the master bedroom. The Master Bedroom has its own bathroom to Trunks convenience. All were of decent sized rooms. There was also a small laboratory too, to fit his maintenance and tinkering of capsules and such.
He sets his sword on a table in the Master Bedroom and heads off to take a bath, accompanied by his bird.
Trunks takes a shower and bathes his bird. Trunks wets his hair with the shower head and next is his body. Jack however, takes a bath on the bathroom sink. Trunks with his muscular and toned body scrubs it with a liquid soap, he applies soap to his face, armpits, back, chest and all the other appendages, after he uses a shampoo on his hair.
The Trunk then rinses off the shampoo and soap, he wipes his hair and body with a white towel and wraps it on his waist. After this, he helps bathe his pet. He uses a shampoo and scrubs his pet off, and after rinses it off.
Trunks then uses a hair dryer to dry his hair and his pet bird.
Trunks then goes to his wardrobe and sees a closet filled with clothes. A total of Seventeen sets of clothes with its own underwear and foot wear too.
1st is a business type suit, one he wore as the CEO of Capsule Corporation before Goku Black's attack and after the Future Android saga. (Photo not mine)
2nd and 3rd one were his Saiyan armor for training and combat purposes. One is blue and the other is black. (Photo not mine)
4th was a formal wear, one who would wear at parties or to formal occasions.(Photo not mine)
5th was work clothing, something to wear when tinkering with machinery. (Photo not mine)
6th was a semi formal or a business casual wear with long sleeve. ( Photo not mine)
7th was a regular clothing with blue jacket, white shirt and denim pants. (Photo not mine)
8th was also a regular clothes (Photo not mine)
9th was sweater shirt with blue pants (Photo not mine)
10th was a capsule corporation lounge wear sweater, the same one he wore in Gohan's house. (Photo not mine)
11th was a Capsule Corp. Blue sweatshirt. (Photo not mine)
12th was a martial dougi, similar to the one his kid past self wore. (Photo nit mine)
13th was a Capsule Corp tank top with black jogging pants for gym wear. (Photo not mine)
14th was another business casual clothing (Photo not mine)
15th was a rain clothing/winter wear (Photo not mine)
16th was the same clothes he wore during the fight with Goku Black. ( Photo not mine)
17th was the same clothes he used to fight the androids in. ( Photo not mine)
He decided to wear the 9th clothes and heads of to the kitchen to cook dinner.
He checks the fridge and there were supplies there. He cooks Fried Chicken and rice in the rice cooker.
"Jack, you don't mind if I cook chicken do you?"
Jack just looks at him with a I don't care face and Trunks took it as a sign of okay.
He covers the chicken in Flour and puts oil in the pan. The sound of oil clacking is pleasing to Trunks. He then puts the chicken in and flips it occasionally. After the Chicken was done, he unplugged the rice cooker where he was cooking rice and sets up the plate.
Jack sits on the opposite side of the table, on the table. Trunks put bread crumbs, raw noodles and water on separate saucers for the bird to enjoy whilst trunks had his own.
After the two eats, Trunks checked the lab and found a small pot. A pot with a small Senzu tree in it. It still has yet to grow, but fortunately he still had a few Senzu beans in his backpack that are already good for consumption.
He locks all the doors and closes the windows and curtains and heads off to bed. The bird, is sleeping beside Trunks with its own pillow and snuggles up to Trunks.
Trunks then senses his surrounding spwith Ki to try and see if there were any threats, but fortunately there were none. Trunks then lies on his bed, thinking of his friends and family, how he will live in this world without them.
'Maybe I could find a way to go back there after I'm done with my adventure here. My original world has been recreated and they probably dont remember me anymore, the past timeline with Goku though, I might return there.' Trunks thought.
"Well, atleast I have you Jack." Trunks says to his bird to which Jack replied with "Spearow-Spearow!"
"Hehe, since you have vocal cords, maybe you can try speaking different words. It may be possible." Trunks mumbled as he closes his eyes.
Trunks then dozes off to sleep…
To Be Continued!