Why run like this?

Anzar had no intention of allying with either side.

He would have liked to see them fight more and obtain an advantageous situation for him.

Also, according to the several information provided by Mathias, these two must be part of one of the many martial art families in the region.

But apart from knowing their existence and that this kind of family rules the locality, he had little information about them.

As for the city of Vulibilis, the Kim and the Song family have control over it.

Lately, the relationship seems quite tense between these two families.

Realizing that the situation cannot be as simple as this middle-aged man in front of him makes it sound, he said:

"I was passing by. I am not interested in your conflict."

The girl was about to say something but saw this impassive man with a monstrous aura rushing in the opposite direction and leaving this area.

Stunned at first, she spread her qi sense to the maximum and noticed the rapid approach of two familiar auras. She adopted a very ugly expression.

At the same time, the middle-aged man known as Elder Baha, realizing the situation, launched an attack on the girl he needed to eliminate.

Meanwhile, Anzar decided to leave the spot immediately when his qi senses always activated, spotted two auras approaching at a shocking speed.

These two new arrivals were the two elders of the Song family, the same family as elder Baha. He had informed them with a communication talisman of his exact position before engaging in battle with the girl.

The two Elders at the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm were surprised to find not two but three cultivators. They had worried expressions because the stranger was also at the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm. But, seeing the changes that their arrival triggered, they used their movement techniques to split, the Elder with less authority in the family chasing after the stranger and the other Elder joining hands with Elder Baha to accomplish their main mission.

The Elder chasing after Anzar deeper in the forest had a complicated expression because the man 200 meters in front of him looked very strong. He never saw someone in the peak of the Qi Gathering realm with such a strong aura, but what made him even warier was that this person was running at a low speed because he was not using a movement technique.

Suspicious, He began to ponder all the information the family members had recently brought him.

One of the pieces of information was that of an unknown man at the peak of Qi Gathering wandering in the city yesterday before entering a store.

Realizing his lack of information and the strange attitude of this man, he activated a communication talisman to the patriarch of the Song family to inform him of the situation while pursuing Anzar at a safe distance.

Shortly after, he received the expected answer: to eliminate the girl and all the witnesses.

He sighed and sent a qi sound transmission.

"Fellow Cultivator, why run like this? Let us talk."

Anzar was shocked to hear a voice in his head. However, he remained calm and concluded that this voice must come from the person chasing him. Shortly after realizing his lack of speed, he decided to stop running.

The old man chasing him has a slightly stronger aura than Elder Baha and the young girl he had just met, but Anzar's aura is still much stronger than this Elder's.

Anzar faced him without saying anything.

The Elder approached him slightly and said to him while stroking his long white beard:

"Friend, what family do you come from?"

Receiving no response, he continued:

'' If you promise me not to set foot in this region again, we can stop here. There is no enmity between us."

Anzar analyzed all the qi fluctuations, body movements, and the words this old man spoke in front of him. He deduced that this person was intimidated by his presence.

He then decided to take a little step forward to confirm this, which in reaction pushed the old man to take a little step back.

Confirming his thought, he chose to attack, intending to catch him to get as much information as possible.

Anzar drew his axe and rushed towards the old man.

The old man was cursing in his mind, then performed a hand seal combination and decided to confront the axe coming at him with his bare hands.

The axe and the hand come into contact, and a significant fluctuation of qi resonated. The Elder attempted to push the axe back by injecting more and more qi towards his hand, which led to cracks appearing on the weapon.

Anzar seeing this, imitated him and began to inject qi into his hands. When the fluctuations of qi between them increased enormously, almost visible to the naked eye, the shocked old man saw his hand pierced by the axe.

The qi injected by Anzar into his hands rushed forward, pushing almost instantly the old man own qi and then infiltrating his body, which led to an inexplicable reaction and caused the Elder to explode into small pieces.

Anzar took a shower of his opponent's blood with a disbelief expression.