Isn't betrayal only a matter of time?

Through a dark room, where only the sound of chains can be heard, two men face each other:

"Are there not enough brothels in the city?"

The chained man looked toward the source of this voice, but the room's darkness prevented him from clearly seeing Anzar's face. He said:

"What is the point of talking to a dead man? If you can take my chains off, then we can talk"

Anzar started laughing for a few seconds, then stopped abruptly :

"Many humans are ready to fight so that their chains are not taken away from them, and you? You want to take them off."

He pulled a scroll out of his storage ring and continued:

"If it's only the chains around your arms, then I can take them off."

The burly man glanced towards the scroll but could not identify it and asked :

'' What do you need me for ?"

Anzar throws the scroll in his direction:

"Learn this, don't disappoint me."

The burly man examined the scroll. First, he verified that it was not a demonic technique. Then, he found that it was just a Breathing Technique. He then nodded toward Anzar.

While this man was learning the Technique, Anzar inspected a disc made of precious wood. After a few minutes, he managed to activate it, and the middle-rank Qi gathering Array took shape. The room lights up, which allows the two men to see each other.

Anzar immediately felt the difference. The qi gathered more and more in the room, and he began to cultivate and witnessed a considerable improvement compared to when he was meditating in the cave.

This is how two days passed. Kahina was in the forest at the borders carrying out the mission. The outer disciples continued to train, this time under the instructions of Giss and Uzmir. Finally, Anzar asked them to position a patrol of 2 disciples in the store's street, where he got his Array. to ensure the owner's and his granddaughter's safety.

As for him, he stayed in the same room to keep an eye on this guinea pig to supervise all the changes.

This evening, he realized that this man, who previously had only 3 unlocked meridians, began to unlock more of them. Each time he opened a meridian, his cultivation speed also increased.

That's when the man notices the changes in his body, surprised at first, then realizing that he has no chance of survival now that he knows this secret. He said with a terrible expression:

"You lied to me."

Anzar, having already anticipated this, said:

"Do you have any wish?"

The chained man, with apparent anger in his eyes, said:

"just kill the two sisters."

Anzar nodded.

The burly man continued meditating, hoping Anzar would keep his promise.

After a few hours, no more meridians are unlocked. He went from having 3 meridians to 15.

That would mean that his technique can multiply the number of meridians in the body by 5.

It would also mean that if he had used an ordinary meditation technique, he would have about 13 meridians.

This is also the maximum number of meridians that can be unlocked according to current knowledge, and by this, be considered a monstrous genius like Aksil Imjad The founder of the Imjad kingdom and the hero of the war against the wolf clan 150 years ago.

If Kahina didn't use his technique, she should have 11 or 12 meridians instead of 57.

He also noticed that each time a meridian was unlocked, the cultivation speed of this burly man increased.

He concluded that first, if a mortal uses this technique and succeeds in entering the Qi gathering realm, he can directly unlock the maximum number of meridians, like what had happened to Kahina.

Secondly, If a cultivator uses this technique, he can multiply his meridian number by around 5.

However, this is still speculation. Anzar needs to do more tests to confirm this at 100%.

And he absolutely must let no one know about the existence of this Breathing Technique.

He even asked himself the question if he should kill Kahina in order to leave no risk.

Or must he continue to keep an influence on her? and what if one day she betrays him?

Isn't betrayal only a matter of time?

No, he let her practice this technique in the cave because deep inside him, he trusts her. She is the only person with whom he shares a bond, suffering.

Kahina is the younger sister of Tislit, the last relative still alive.

Anzar realizes his mistake and is genuinely conflicted about this.

He decided to keep an eye on her and continue influencing her for the moment!

While thinking about this, he suddenly penetrated the heart of the chained man with his hand full of qi. The qi was injected inside the burly man's body, leading to a chain reaction, where Anzar's qi spread all over the man's body. Unable to bear it, the body explodes into a thousand pieces.

This confirmed what Anzar had already suspected.

The quantity and density of qi that a cultivator with 66 unlocked meridians can unleash is not something the body of an average cultivator at the same realm or lower can bear.