What is your relationship with protector Kahina

In the middle of the city of Agadir, there is a large and majestic building reserved only for the essential members of the sect. Inside it, you can find a lot of servants carrying out their duties.

In the central and luxurious room of the building, there is a bald man who gives off a frightening aura, an aura that, if she spoke, would only say one thing: the Late Nascent Soul Realm.

In front of Elder Adan, there are three men and a woman. They are the protectors of the city.

Each protector respectfully gives Elder Adan a spatial ring filled with low source stone.

Elder Adan checked the contents of each ring, touched his head, and said:

"The income this time is lower than what I expected, Protector Ifrit. It seems to me that during this period, the sect held two auctions in your area, where some Yellow Beast Core were sold. Yet you have the lowest earnings."

Protector Ifrit threw himself on the ground and cupped his fist, terrified:

"Esteemed Elder Adan, I'm very sorry to disappoint you. I'm incompetent. Please forgive me."

Elder Adan ignored him and looked in the direction of protector Hennu. Then he said:

"You'd better take the example of protector Hennu. He has by far the highest income. If you are incompetent, the sect will punish you, and if you are competent, you will be rewarded. I hope that it is clear."

Celia and Ifrit looked in Hennu's direction with confusion in their eyes. Hennu had a very proud expression.

Anzar wasn't too surprised by this. However, he imitated the others and gave the same look at Hennu.

Elder Adan, who just succeeded in creating a dispute in order to increase his control over them, said :

"Protector Anzar, this is your first time. I am surprised that you have the same income as this two incompetent of Celia and Ifrit. Nevertheless, what surprises me the most is your breakthrough at the Golden Core realm."

Célia, Ifrit, and even Hennu looked with even more confusion in the direction of Anzar this time.

Anzar cupped his fist and said:

"Elder Adan is praising me too much. I was fortunate to make this breakthrough after several attempts. But, unfortunately, luck never comes alone."

Curious Elder Adan places his hands behind Anzar's back and sends his qi sense to investigate.

He finds in the body of Anzar 7 meridians, but two are visibly damaged.

Anzar's knowledge and control over the meridians grew by leaps and bounds thanks to his hard work and experiments.

Elder Adan withdrew his hand and said:

"Not everyone with only 7 meridians manages to reach the Golden core Realm, it is unlucky that you have 2 damaged meridians now, but even without that, it will have been nearly impossible for you to reach the Nascent Soul Realm."

He then looked at everyone and continued:

"But that's a good thing. You all need as much strength as possible. The tide beast is arriving now. Your duty as protectors is to stay here and defend the city. Remember, Only inner disciples and elders are allowed to go outside and hunt them, understood ?"

Elder Adan Increased his aura and then continued :

"I will not stay in this city all the time. I have other matters to handle. However, If you see a beast of yellow rank or higher, you must report it to me immediately with a communication talisman."

The Elder aura increased, the four of them had a very hard time withstanding it, and with a threatening voice the Elder said:

"All the cores you collect, must be returned to the sect. Now get out of here."

Anzar and the three frightened protectors cupped their first and went for the doorway, suddenly the voice of elder Adan resounded again:

"Protector Anzar, stay here! "

Once only the two of them were in the room, Anzar cupped his fist and asked:

"Elder Adan, how can I be helpful?"

Elder Adan, a little enthusiastic, asked:

"Who's scouting in the forest right now?"

A little puzzled Anzar replies:

"It's protector Kahina"

Elder Adan, even more excited:

"Oh, Protector Kahina is doing excellent work. Here reports benefit the sect, but Protector Anzar, what is your relationship with protector Kahina?"

Anzar lied to him without hesitation:

"I am sure my wife will be pleased to hear Elder Adan praise."

A little disappointed, Elder Adan continued:

"You're lucky to have such a beautiful wife, hmm...in the sect, we have a very rare and precious pill that can repair the damaged meridians. If I'm very, VERY satisfied, maybe I can do something."

Anzar was initially surprised by this information. Can a pill affect the meridians?

He kept his calm and replied respectfully:

"Elder Adan is generous. I hope my wife will make the right decision."

Elder Adan, with a joyful expression:

"Good, Good, I'm waiting for your good news. In the meantime, if you and your beautiful wife are in danger, just let me know."

Anzar, without letting anything appear on his face, said:

"Thanks, you esteemed elder."

Elder Adan nodded:

"You can leave now."