Hold the Line!

On the northern walls of a city were 50 men and women dressed in white, all staring at the horde of wild beasts coming towards them.

Each of them was thinking about different things and had different expressions and feelings, but all were ready to fight bravely.

In the middle of these braves is a young and beautiful woman dressed in blue and yellow, her black hair dancing with the rhythm of the wind. She gave the impression that she belonged to the celestial beings. Kahina looked at the horizon as if everything was meaningless in front of her beautiful eyes. As if All struggles were pointless in her presence.

Kahina turns her gaze to her right and glances at this man, who never reveals the emotions on his face.

If you look at this man closely, you will find that his deep black eyes are mysterious. Those eyes only said one thing: no matter how hard you try, you'll never know what I'm thinking.

Anzar went over all the possible scenarios in his mind. Then, he thought back to all his preparations during the last 3 months.

He created several hidden caves in the surroundings. He has also positioned several movement restriction arrays on the possible paths he can take, just in case he has to run away from a potential old monster.

He improved his fighting techniques with his axe considerably.

Thanks to his experiments, his main attack aims to immediately damage the opponent's meridians.

However, he needed more time to improve his movement techniques.

He only bought a Late Human rank defensive Artifact. Artifact above this rank wasn't something he could afford.

An Important thing Anzar will keep in mind is that cultivators in the Qi Gathering Realm cannot fly due to a lack of control and insufficient amount of qi.

Only cultivators in the Qi condensation Realm and Golden Core Realm can fly using a flying sword.

The old monster in the Nascent Soul Realm and above doesn't need a flying sword.

Suddenly he noticed Kahina's gaze on him and ordered:

"Everyone in position !"

All the cultivators at the Qi Gathering Realm of the Siphax legion went to their position.

15, who had a long-distance attack, remained on the walls with Kahina, and 20 went in front of the walls with Anzar, ready to block the wild beasts in a melee fight.

The 15 remainings are in reserve, ready to take the place of those who died on the battlefield.

Anzar doesn't want a chaotic battlefield. Instead, he wants to keep everything under his control.

He activates his qi sense to its maximum to know the number and ranks of these wild beasts, and he manages to cover the city and the surroundings.

He counted 300 Wild beasts of blue rank, 100 of white rank, 25 of red rank, and 1 of yellow rank on each side of the city.

He was surprised by the organization of these wild beasts.

Anzar and Kahina have faced many wild beasts, but this is the first time they will encounter a Yellow rank.

As agreed, he used a talisman and informed Elder Adan of the appearance of 4 yellow rank beasts. one on each side of the city.

He only got '' Defend and wait for reinforcement " as an answer.

The wild beasts are advancing closer and closer to the walls, and no one from the legion moved. Everyone is waiting for orders. Everyone is disciplined.

The wild beasts approached and were only 100 meters from the walls. Still, an order has yet to be given.

Meanwhile, Anzar kept his attention focused on the yellow-rank wild Beast. He can see it in the distance behind all the other beasts.

This yellow rank beast, much smaller than the others, had a humanoid fox shape with 3 tails. The Fox released a frightening aura then all the beasts rushed toward the walls faster than before.

When the first wild Beast activated the movement restriction arrays, Kahina's soft voice that contrasts with its surroundings shouted:

"Attack !"

Kahina and all the other cultivators in the wall used their techniques and sent lots of multicolored beams made of qi toward the wild beasts trapped because of the arrays.


The wild beasts were under a rain of attacks. Many low-ranked ones died and dropped their cores on the battlefield.

Kahina continued to send her arrows, which were doing a lot of damage to the wild beasts. She tries to focus as much as possible on the Red rank Beast. They are the most dangerous.

Unfortunately, the arrays only lasted 10 seconds, and the beasts continued to charge under constant attacks in the direction of Anzar and the cultivators at his side.

Then the wild beasts fall into the trenches, which allows Kahina and the others to reduce their numbers even more. Even some red-rank wild Beasts died due to the continuous attacks.

The surviving wild beasts managed to come out of the trenches and kept rushing toward the cultivators lined up in front of them.


The contact was violent, and the physical strength of these wild beasts is impressive.

Nevertheless, Anzar and the others managed to hold the line and engaged in a fierce melee fight.

Anzar remained in line with everyone, he, of course, could very well dive alone and try to make a difference, but this would expose him to an encirclement, especially since it would be suicidal with the presence of a yellow rank beast.

With his axe, he eliminated all the beasts that approached him. Each time he gave a blow, he would pierce the hard skin of the beasts and inject his qi inside their body. This made them explode into a thousand pieces. Only beasts of red rank can withstand 2 or even 3 blows from him.

On this battlefield, Anzar always kept an eye on the 3-tailed Fox. He also paid attention to the positioning of his men! he Shouted:

"Hold the Line!"