Fellow Daoist, Who is fighting there?

Anzar chained powerful techniques with his axe. The three-tailed Fox managed to avoid most of them, but because of his diminishing speed, he was finally hit in the shoulder.

This heavy impact devastated the shoulder of the beast.

Anzar took this opportunity to inject a maximum amount of qi into the thee-tailed Fox's body.

However, this did not last long. Finally, the Fox managed to create a distance and decided to flee.

The beast turned in the opposite direction and fled as quickly as possible. Without hesitation, Anzar chased him.

He knew that now that he had injected a good amount of qi into this beast's body, it could not run for too long.

Barely a few kilometers further, the three-tailed Fox stopped, the damages inside the beast's body were too severe, and the Fox couldn't flee anymore.

The Yellow rank beast decided to fight until death.

Anzar didn't engage in the fight. There was no reason. Time was on his side right now.

The beast finally realized its body would not last long and decided to go on the attack in complete berserk mode.

Anzar only focused on avoiding the claws, not to add more useless injuries.

After a few minutes, the three-tailed Fox collapsed on the ground miserably and died because of the internal damage caused by Anzar.

In this fierce fight, Anzar concluded that he had to learn more techniques and improve all other aspects, especially his speed.

When he extracted the Yellow Core from the beast's body, Anzar spouted a mouthful of blood.

He took a lot of damage in this fight. He must go to City and recover as soon as possible.

He took out medicinal herbs from his storage ring, swallowed them, activated the flying sword technique, and sped toward the City.

Arriving in front of the northern Gate, he realizes that the fight is already over.

Anzar landed on the ground and asked for a report.

Giss rushed and said with a painful expression:

"Leader, in this fight, we lost 15 of our men. All the other Gates are asking for our help."

Anzar, not surprised, answered while examining his body:

"Forget it. We don't have suicidal tendencies. Just collect all the Beats cores, then gather the bodies of our dead, and also gather all the families, be ready to leave the City at any time."

Giss cupped his fist and said:

"Yes, Leader"

Anzar went into a meditation position and circulated his qi to heal his wounds.

It is at this moment that Kahina approaches him and asks:

"Are your injuries serious?"

Anzar, a little surprised that Kahina is worried about him, said:

"It won't kill me."


A few minutes later, several massive explosions occurred far from the City.

Anzar looks toward the direction of the explosions and activates his qi sense.

He was too far and couldn't know which old monsters were fighting there.

However, he noticed about a hundred sect disciples in the Qi Condensation realm and even some in the Golden Core Realm.

All of them were on flying swords and heading toward the City.

"hmm, reinforcement?"

Through his sense qi, one of the disciples noticed Anzar was in the Golden Core realm and Flew toward him.

Anzar didn't hide his aura. He wanted to collect information from the disciples.

The disciple in the late Golden Core Realm arrived in front of Anzar, cupped his fist, and requested:

"I am Aderfi, a core disciple of the sect. We are here under the orders of the elders. Apparently, 4 yellow rank Beast has appeared. Can you give me a report"

Anzar replied:

"I am Anzar, a protector of the sect. 4 Yellow rank beasts attacked the City, one in each Gate, we managed to defeat the one in this Gate, but I don't have much information about the other gates."

This core disciple noticed the injuries of Anzar and nodded, he was about to leave, but Anzar asked, pointing in the direction of the explosions:

"Fellow Daoist, Who is fighting there?"

Aderfi replied quickly:

"The sect's elders are fighting against the Green Rank beast that led the tide in this region."

The core disciple left in the direction of the other Gates.

Anzar thought there was a good chance that Elder Adan was among the elders in the fight against the Green Rank Beast!

While looking toward the battle, Anzar continued to heal himself and plan his following actions.