Meridians Result

Anzar is currently the most informed person in the Imjad kingdom. This is because he has access to much more information than the Imjad Family itself. All thanks to the Siphax Legion.

In the last 13 years since he went into closed-door cultivation, The Siphax Legion went from 35 to 90 members, mainly in the Qi gathering realm and Few in the Qi condensation Realm.

He knows that Aksil Imjad left the kingdom long ago, and he let his first wife here.

He will come back every 50 years to see her. Anzar knows that at some point, he will need those with a special body for his experiences, so he is fated to be his enemy. But now is not the right time. He is still too weak.

He speculates that if Aksil imjad managed to marry the granddaughter of the most potent sect master of the most powerful country, then he could only be a realm or more above the Soul Formation.

He understands that the South Fire continent is filled with secrets he still doesn't know, but he and his forces aren't ready yet.

He needs to be patient. He is only 53 years old. He is still considered part of the young generation in the cultivation world standard.

He has no backer. If no one makes things difficult, he will focus on getting stronger.


Ten years later.

Anzar didn't leave the mountain once. He cultivated as much as possible and made a breakthrough in the Middle Nascent Soul Realm.

With the help of his powerful sea of consciousness, his control over the Qi improved significantly. He can now Fly without using a flying sword.

He again wanted to see how high he could reach but couldn't leave the atmosphere. The cold and pressure weren't something his current body could withstand.

He stopped his experiences on the sea of consciousness because they were too deadly, and he didn't want to alarm anyone by killing too many cultivators in the kingdoms.

He kept his experiences about the meridians. During this period, he used only 150 cultivators. He stopped once he got a result.

He discovered that there is a different types of meridians, and he classified them like this :

60 Normal Meridians

5 Special Meridians

1 Unique meridian

All the cultivators he used until now only unlocked Normal Meridians. Even Kahina, with 57 meridians, only opened normal meridians.

He since long can make his guinea pigs unlock more Normal meridians, but he cannot make them open Special or Unique Meridians.

He tried a lot but always failed.

Anzar speculates that those with a special body unlocked at least a special or unique meridian.

The meridians spread like a spider net in the body. This net has five directions. In each direction, there are 12 Normal and 1 special meridians, the special meridian being the most inner position.

And in the center of this Net only one meridian, the unique meridian.

He found that the cultivators that use their technique will unlock their meridians following only 1 of the 5 directions. This is why they can only open 12 normal meridians maximum each, or 13 if they unlock the special meridian in this direction.

As for the unique meridian in the middle, he doesn't know if someone unlocked it.

Anzar's Self-created technique doesn't only focus on 1 of the direction but the 5 of them simultaneously.

He can come to this conclusion because he unlocked them all. If they didn't open the Unique meridian, others would never suspect its existence.

As for what is the meaning of this? Or what is a special body? He can only speculate.

Anzar decided to stop his experiences. He only needs special bodies now, but they are all old Genius monsters, so that he will wait.


For months, one of the families that govern a city next to Tislit City has been making probing moves.

The City under Kahina's management is blooming. The income is constantly increasing.

This family became greedy. They started harassing the members of the Siphax legion that are responsible for protecting the city.

Kahina sent them multiple warnings, asking them to stop. But to no avail.

Anzar has kept a low profile for 23 years now, arousing the other forces' suspicion.

Kahina then sent an envoy to the Imjad family. Their stance is to stay neutral. As long as the taxes are paid, they don't interfere with this kind of regional conflict.

Giss reported that 5 members died already in the early clashes.

Anzar asked about the opponent's forces and found that their top force was only at the early Golden Core.

He cannot let them keep harassing his forces. On the other hand, the city and the Legion make his life easier. He can focus on cultivation without worrying about information and income.

He decided to take this opportunity and test his new speed and movement technique against this small fry.

He Rushed toward this family, and for the first, he managed to go past the speed of the sound. Every time he flies above a village, The people on the ground can hear a loud BOOM.

It didn't take long to reach his destination. He spread his powerful qi sense and locked it on everyone at the qi gathering realm and above inside the city, he took his Axe, and without wasting too much time, he began a bloodbath.

That day one family completely disappeared from the surface in less than 10 min. No children, Man or woman, survived.

Giss and some members of the Legion came and collected all the storage rings and emptied the treasure hall, Anzar checked if something was interesting, but he found nothing.

He felt like a big fish in a small pond. But he knows it's the best current strategy.

Giss asked him if they should take control of this city. Anzar refused this suggestion. They can't even defend one city. So how can they take control of another one? Without him or Kahina, they are too weak.

The day he leaves this kingdom, they need to be strong enough by themselves.

After these events, the Dread of the Axe of death spread again in the kingdom. No one doubts it anymore.