"hum, you want to fight?"

"Junior brother, you are truly in the good books of the elders to have such a good flying treasure."

"Senior sister must be kidding. It is all because my brother finished in the top 10 in the last tournament. I just benefited from his reputation."

The two junior Goldern core realm disciples entered the mist and flew three times faster than the sound. This speed can only be achieved by the Soul Formation powerhouse and above.

This flying treasure has the form of a small boat and is very costly. Only a few can afford one.

Suddenly, a black-haired young man with an axe on his shoulder managed to land on the flying treasure.

" What is the meaning of this ?" said the senior sister to this young man.

The young man ignored this, and with a movement of his arm, he unleashed two powerful waves toward them.

The two disciples activated their artifact, but the moment they collided with these waves of qi, they got destroyed.

The senior sister pulled out two daggers, ready to confront this invader. The junior brother decided to flee, realizing the cultivation level of the opponent. However, a beam of light rushed toward him and entered his sea of consciousness before he could jump out of the boat.

At the same time, the senior sister was utterly outclassed in speed and couldn't react fast enough, she received another wave made of qi, and her body exploded afterward.

The junior brother jumped out of the boat, but his sea of consciousness was under a horrible attack, he screamed out of pain, but before his body touched the sea, his head exploded.

Anzar took control of the flying treasure and went incredibly fast toward the islands.

Before this, he realized he wasn't the fastest among these thousand cultivators.

Those with flying treasure had a great advantage, so he decided to grab one without hesitation.

What Anzar just did, was happening everywhere in the surroundings. The Nascent Soul experts were trying to steal the flying treasure from the weaker ones.

Some even decided not to pull out their flying treasures from the storage ring to not bring a calamity upon themself.

Anzar took the senior sister's storage ring and found what he was looking for: a map.

Suddenly, Some cultivators wanted to land on Anzar's new flying treasure, but he kept using his technique, the Axe blade storm, and waves of thick qi were unleashed toward any cultivator's trying to land.

It was a chaotic scene with fighting everywhere. After a few moments, Anzar finally managed to leave the location with the most cultivators and created some distance.

However, he saw in front of him around 10 flying treasures, moving at a much faster speed.

They all separated in different directions. Then, finally, Anzar also went on a completely different path.

He then flew at maximum speed.

5 min later, he approached the first islands. He recognized them thanks to the map. After that, Anzar decided to go in a direction that was still unexplored.

There was no one anymore in front of Anzar. However, not far behind, hundred of cultivators also chose this direction.

Five hours later, only those with a flying treasure were a few kilometers behind him.

Yet, they had to reduce their speed because of the high consumption of qi needed to manipulate those treasures.

Anzar has a much more formidable reserve of qi and feels he can still keep flying at this speed without putting himself in danger.

After 1 hour, with his qi sense spread to the maximum, Anzar noticed some very multicolored and dangerous locations filled with powerful techniques. So he decided to avoid them.

Anzar kept heading as deep as he could. Whenever he spotted a dangerous location, he would adjust his trajectory.

After another 10 hours, anzar felt the need to slow down because his reserve of qi was reducing significantly.

He decreased his speed and took several pills to replenish his reserve.

He was now far from the others.

Anzar entered an unexplored area. There is no indication on the map about this direction. Nevertheless, he believes there is a high chance of discovering a new island if he continues deeper.

He realized just how vast the sea of abyss is.

The region where the mist is weak enough to allow them to enter is as big as the South fire continent. So Anzar began to suspect if the south fire continent was just an oversized island.

1 hour later, he felt a considerable flying treasure behind, moving at a higher speed than him. Anzar furrowed his brow. He never imagined someone catching up to him.

He checked with his qi sense and found three cultivators in this flying treasure: one peak and two early Nascent Soul Realm.

Anzar noticed the powerful aura of the peak Nascent soul expert inside that flying treasure.

This flying treasure was of much higher quality. In only 20 min, those cultivators will reach him.

Anzar kept sending powerful qi sense to alert them, which was a clear message from him.

However, they ignored it and didn't change direction.

2 min later, Anzar also felt their qi sense, and they kept spamming it, clearly showing their intention.

Anzar sensed a powerful Killing intent released from the peak nascent soul realm expert.

"hum, you want to fight?" Anzar told himself

Anzar took plenty of pills to replenish his qi and prepared to fight. He knew this expert with killing intent would not be easy to deal with.

Seeing Anzar not changing his direction, they also prepared to face him.

When they reached him, Anzar sent a powerful blast of qi on them. However, their flying treasure had a protective array.

Noticing this, Anzar didn't hesitate and sent even more blasts.

Cracks appeared on the protective layer. The three cultivators decided to engage in the battle. They want to keep Anzar from destroying their expensive flying treasure.

Anzar also jumped to confront them.

Anzar noticed that the peak Nascent soul realm expert was a young woman, and the other two early Nascent souls were juniors.

He pulled out his Axe and collided with the young women's sword.

The two juniors didn't rush to confront Anzar but kept a safe distance from him.

Anzar engaged in a fierce melee battle against her. He quickly noticed that this opponent was very experienced.

He tried to hit the women's body. However, this opponent will skillfully avoid it. And when Anzar unleashed a tricky strike, she used her sword to reflect it.

This woman reached an outstanding achievement with the sword.

The other two juniors unleashed many techniques on Anzar's back. However, he activated the protective shield and ignored them. They were just too far. So instead, he kept on attacking the women.

This woman released powerful killing intent, indicating that she had killed many strong experts. But Anzar wasn't impressed and remained calm. He was Analysing the situation.

Anzar quickly noticed that she could penetrate his protective shield. However, he still manages to have a slight advantage.

Contrary to the women expert, the two juniors couldn't penetrate his protective shield, but this forced him always to inject more qi into it.

The young women adopted a defensive attitude to exhaust Anzar's qi.

Anzar realized he would need more time than expected to deal with this expert. He can't keep the protective shield for an extended period.

However, she kept him busy. Every time he wants to go and get rid of the other two, the young women will attack him with great mastery.

He wanted to use the Heanvly soul mark on the juniors, but they were too far. As for this expert in front of him, he suspected she must have some means to protect her sea of consciousness.

Anzar kept his calm. He realized that this woman was having a very tough moment as well, and every time the two weapons clashed, he could feel that he got the upper hand. It is only a matter of time before she collapses.

The two juniors behind him were clearly inexperienced in combat and made many mistakes. Their movements were wrong, and sometimes they couldn't even follow the speed at which he and the women expert were battling.

But the fact that they forced him to keep his protective shield always active is problematic.

However, they got instructions from this young woman to keep a safe distance from him. And they were only harassing Anzar from afar.

Anzar's reserve of qi was diminishing at an alerting rate.

Anzar decided to stop attacking and adopted a defensive posture. The young women finally felt the pressure lifted and started unleashing powerful strikes on Anzar. However, she remains cautious.

Anzar kept on avoiding the perilous sword strike.

Suddenly, one of the two youngsters feeling confident, approached a bit too much.

The women expert seeing this sent a qi transmission message to alert him, but Anzar took the initiative and used the heavenly soul mark technique on her.

However, her sea of consciousness is protected by multiple treasures from this kind of soul attack. as expected from a true expert.

But she was surprised by the soul power of Anzar and had to activate a unique technique inside her sea of consciousness, and this delayed the young woman enough to allow Anzar to reach the youngster that approached a bit too much!

Anzar went at full speed toward the junior, followed immediately by the woman, but she couldn't reach him.

Anzar used the Fatal strike technique, while the junior finally acknowledged his mistake and tried to activate some artifacts, but it was too late.

The Axe penetrated his body, and he exploded on the spot.