There is much more inside

Anzar kept moving even further inside the island. He was hoping that no one would discover this island.

However, one month later, Anzar felt a qi sense!

"Shit" he cursed

He was genuinely annoyed. He wished to be lucky just for this time.

However, he calmed himself and kept his focus on the restrictions.

One hour later, a middle-aged man in the late nascent soul realm reached the island and landed on the shore.

Like Anzar, he found the giant cave in the middle of the island and investigated it with his qi sense.

The middle-aged man also found Anzar, who was removing the restrictions.

"Fellow Daoists, we are truly fortunate to make such a discovery." said the middle-aged cultivator with a big smile.

Seeing that Anzar ignored him, he started investigating these restrictions, and like Anzar he was shocked by the complexity.

However, he found the path that Anzar chose to reach the cave.

The restrictions Anzar made behind him were a bit less complex than the others.

The middle-aged man started to study Anzar's restriction.

Two weeks later, he removed the first restriction that Anzar made.

Anzar can't do anything. He was in the middle of plenty of restrictions. If he decided to remove his restrictions to go back and kill this middle-aged, he would lose too much precious time. He wanted to retrieve that ring as fast as possible before more cultivators came.

One month later, the middle-aged man found that Anzar's restrictions became more and more complex, not far from the difficulty of the other restrictions spread on the island.

He had a headache and concluded that he wasn't fast enough to reach the cave in time.

Realizing this, he decided to pull out a long range talisman.

"What is the meaning of this?" Asked Anzar.

"Fellow Daoist is a master in restrictions, but we are bound to share that storage ring. I will alert everyone. What do you think?"

Anzar decided to ignore him.

"As you wish." Said the middle-aged man and then used the communication talisman.

Two months later, hundreds of cultivators reached the island. They all chose a different direction and started to remove the restrictions.

Anzar will always set restrictions behind him to not let anyone reach him. Yet, no one is trying to remove Anzar's restrictions because they are as complicated as the others.

Six months later, no more cultivators came. Only 200 hundred were in the islands, all at the Nascent Soul Realm. This became a race!

Anzar has already spent two years inside the sea of the abyss, and only two years are left before the mist condenses again.

However, he is close to the cave. He was still ahead of the others even after putting restrictions behind him.

Anzar received plenty of qi transmission messages from others, but he ignored everything and raced toward the ring.

Everyone had locked their qi sense on Anzar. They would chase him if he decided to take the ring for himself.

Most cultivators didn't put restrictions behind them to chase after the one who took the ring first.

A few days later, Anzar entered the cave.

"Help me..... please."

Anzar ignored the Wolf. He isn't crazy enough to release a monster that can obliterate him.

He went and took the ring. He investigated the content with his qi sense.

Anzar was shocked!

The storage ring was of unimaginable quality. The space inside was so Vast! it was as big as the kingdom of Imjad.

Anzar found it hard to keep his composure. Inside he found Mountains of source stones of a much higher quality than high-rank source stones!!

Those weren't source stones anymore! The density of qi inside each of them was enormous.

Anzar found many treasures, weapons, and artifacts of a grade higher than heaven-grade!

He searched for an Axe and found only one! he immediately pulled it out from the storage ring. A Loud Roar was heard, shaking everyone on the island.

The Axe had a complex pattern and a dragon head in the extremity.

Anzar didn't recognize any of the materials used to Forge this Axe.

He tried to use it, but it was too heavy! His realm is too low to use anything in the ring!

When the other cultivators saw the Axe, they were all shocked.

This Axe was magnificent.

However, Anzar knew that he couldn't take the ring for himself, and even if he did it and managed to flee from those cultivators, he couldn't escape from the hundred old monsters waiting outside the fog.

Anzar kept on searching for something he could use now! He was looking for scrolls but found nothing!

They don't use techniques anymore at the higher realm? Anzar asked himself.

He stopped searching for techniques and took all the books and notes inside to increase his knowledge. There were Arrays, alchemy, restrictions, etc.

He then took a lot of artifacts, weapons, source stones, and other treasures.

He decided to check everything once he leaves this island.

Suddenly, he found a small bead and a strange token. Without hesitation, he put them inside his ring.

Anzar verified that nothing mysterious and essential was left in the storage ring!

All the cultivators were annoyed to watch this!

Once done, Anzar pulled the rest of the storage ring filling the cave with treasure and what looked like source stone.

Hundreds of Nascent soul experts had their eyes popping out. They all lost the demeanor of an expert!

Anzar decided to leave and let those cultivators fight for the rest of the treasures. But, in any way, they Can't keep those treasures! with all those old monsters waiting outside to verify the content of their rings.

Many cultivators seeing this, didn't care about Anzar anymore and concentrated on removing the restrictions, especially those already close to the cave.

However, those who didn't make restrictions behind them had the thought of chasing Anzar.

Anzar still had to remove restrictions yet again to leave the island. He went in the direction of the middle-aged man that alerted everyone.

The middle-aged man was in the front line, not far from the cave. When he saw Anzar heading in his direction, he cursed.

He turned in the opposite direction and started removing the restriction he had put behind him.

However, Anzar was a master of restriction!

A few days later, He saw that Anzar was removing restrictions far faster than him and began to beg.

Anzar Ignored him. and after a few hours, he reached him.

The middle-aged man was ready to fight.

Anzar wanted to show everyone that he was not a weakling. Therefore, it was better not to chase him.

He activated his Movement technique, pulled out his Axe, and rushed to kill this shameless opponent.

Under the eyes of everyone, the middle age man didn't even have the time to react. In less than a second, they all saw him explode!

Those who had the idea of chasing Anzar swallowed their spit and forgot about it!

Anzar left the island three months later. The restrictions the middle-aged man made behind him were too simple.

He went to a remote location at a sonic speed to check his gains!