To be men by wisdom

"What is your name ?" the young woman asked.


"Anzar Jugurtha....hum, it has been a long time since no one from the Jugurtha family came to any of Trial planets, but your family is still part of the clan, take this token and follow the instruction."

Anzar nodded, took the token, and injected his qi sense into it. Finally, he found an indication of where he should go.

He noticed that tokens had two colors but still needed to know the difference between those two.

His token was blue.

He followed the instructions and went deeper inside the building.

After a few minutes, he stopped in front of a room. This is where the token indicated he should go.

There were many rooms like this around, with juniors entering inside them.

Anzar entered the room and found around 50 juniors inside. When he entered, everyone glanced at him and then ignored him.

He went and sat in one of the chairs inside.

A junior next to him saw the color of his token.

"What around are you doing? The chairs closest to the entry are always reserved for the main families." Said a junior with the fanciest clothes in the room.

"Brother Yuba, don't waste your time with those useless bumpkins. " Said a young girl with evident arrogance.

"Humpf, Sister Cyrianne is right. They are just wasting their time here anyway," Said Yuba with even more superiority.

It had been a long since no one had talked to him like this. He remained calm and did not understand the meaning of the main families. Anzar decided to go to the deepest part of the room.

He noticed that before talking, the junior glanced at his token. So Anzar deduced that the colors of the tokens represent your hierarchy inside the Clan.

He noticed that the room was divided into two distinct types of juniors.

Those closest to the entry had a hint of superiority and must be from the main families.

Those deep inside the room had a hint of complexity and must be from another type of family.

Once he finally sat on a chair, he received a qi communication message from the junior next to him.

"Brother, you need to ignore them. They are always like this"

He looked towards this little junior with short white hair and nodded.

However, he received yet another qi communication message.

"I am Hakku From the Alenas family. "

"I am Anzar from the Jugurtha family," he responded.

"So it is brother Anzar. We from branch families lack resources, but we can be proud."

Anzar only nodded.

He found this ridiculous if this junior lacks resources and privilege, what should he say about himself?

Anzar believed that if he were born in such a peaceful environment, with such a dense qi. he would be far above Nascent soul Realm.

However, Anzar thought about this more deeply and found that we may pay dearly for the privilege of becoming immortals by power before having deserved to be men by wisdom.

A few moments later, the room was full of juniors, around 100. Then entered a burly middle-aged man. He had multiple scares of the face, and he gave a prevailing impression with his great armor of golden colors.

He glanced at all the juniors present and then firmly said :

"I am Zettu, one of the protectors responsible for this Hall. I am here to confirm the talent of the young generation of all the families that compose our Clan. Those who succeed in the following 2 tests and 2 trials will get rewarded by the Clan, and if your performances are judged outstanding, you may become a Saint!"

When the word Saint was pronounced, all the juniors showed strong expressions!

Protector Zettu continued:

"it is good to be ambitious, but let me warn you that it is challenging to become a Saint. And even a true Genius may not be qualified to become one. I had never witnessed someone accepted by the Clan to join the Saint ranks in this Hall! And you don't want to know how long I have been a protector"

Some of the juniors had their expression adjusted, and some still showed great ambition, Especially those in the main families.


Their families went to a great extent for those juniors and spent unimaginable resources to hope to produce a Saint one day.

This will mean that they will become a Saint family!

First are the branch families, then the main families, and then the Saint families.

The Saint families are the actual authority inside the Clan!

The hierarchy inside the Clan is rigorous!

But only the clan Elders choose the most outstanding juniors to become Saint. The resource needed for a human to become a Saint is scarce in the galaxy!


Anzar still didn't react. He didn't understand what Saint meant. It had only been a few hours since he left the cocoons.

"Today, we will start with the first two tests. The meridians test and the sea of consciousness test. You can participate in the two trials if you succeed in those tests."

Anzar started to worry. He doesn't know if his little trick to hide his meridians will work with this unfathomable protector.

Protector Zettu brought a colossal mirror and put it inside the room. He then said:

"This is a treasure forged by an Elder of our Clan. Therefore, no one will be able to cheat or use any technique during the inspection of the meridians."

Anzar finally cursed in his mind. He was starting to curse the dead senior in the cave. This was different from the excellent encounter he had hoped for when exploring the islands!

This is a poisoned gift!