Episode six

"And that's it for today's class. Homework will be posted after school." Mr Benson said and walked out of the class.

This was our final class for today and I was relieved that it was over. Maths was one of my most hated subjects. No, actually, I hated them all. I couldn't believe that we were being given assignments on my first day of school and from the looks on people's faces, I wasn't the only one that hated it.

"Do you want us to walk home together?" Victoria asked as she approached me.

She was really becoming too creepy for me. Like why was she trying so hard? What was she going to gain out of being friends with me?

"You don't have to worry about me, you can go on your own." I replied.

"Why not?" She frowned.

"My driver is on his way to pick me up. Besides, I don't think we are going in the same direction." I hoped she was going to drop the topic and let it go, because I really didn't want to say anything unnecessarily mean to her.

"We are actually, but since your driver is on his way, then it's fine. See you in school tomorrow." She waved then left immediately.

Wait... What did she mean when she said we were going to the same direction?

Does she know me?

Does she know where I live

Was that why she was being so nice to me?

The thoughts and questions were giving me a bad headache. I needed to stay away from her.

"See you tomorrow." Sebastian winked at me again and left .

I think I should tell him to stop winking at me. I really don't like it.

"Who does she think she is?" An angry Victoria—the one that gave off mean vibes— stormed in front of me. "You really need to put her in are place"

Her anger took me by surprise. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm talking about that ugly betty Victoria." She snapped. They both had the same names, but they couldn't be more different from each other if they tried.

"Why does she think she can be friends with someone like you?" Janet added.

These two need to stop. I never said I was friends with Victoria or any of them.

"She's not my friend and I just met her." I said in a measured tone. They didn't have the right to tell me who to be friends with, but I didn't want to be friends with Victoria anyway and that was why I thought to clarify it.

"That's better, trust me. You don't want to be associated with her, it would ruin your image you know." Victoria said, extending her hand to touch my face and I quickly pushed it off my face. She definitely didn't like that, but I didn't care. I didn't give her permission to touch me.

"Don't touch me." I snapped rudely.

She apologized immediately. "I'm really sorry."

" I love your bag, where did you get it from?" Janet asked, to ease the tension.

"My dad got it for me." My tone was lighter this time.

"It must be expensive." Victoria touched the bag.

"Yeah it really expensive, so you don't need to touch it." I said harshly.

"Okay. We will you see around tomorrow." Only then, did they leave.

I really did not want to be mean, but I also didn't like those girls. Who did they think they were to come to me and tell me who I should and shouldn't be friends with?

And what image were they talking about?

My phone vibrated in my bag and I quickly brough it out, seeing that it was Zachary calling me.

"Hey, where are you?"

He told me that he was waiting for me outside and that the driver was here already. I told him that I was on my way and ended the call.

I met Zachary outside, standing next to the driver.

"How was your first day, my dear?" My driver asked me with a warm smile.

"It was alright. Nothing too crazy."

I was really close to my driver, having known him all my life. He was like a family to us all.

"Let me take your bag in." He offered, and I handed it over to him. I really didn't like calling driver. Instead, I called him Mister, and I had grown used to calling him that.

When we got home, I said my goodbyes to Zachary since Mister dropped me off first, then he took Zachary to his own house to drop him off. It wasn't really that far from mine. It was a three minute walk at most. But because of security reasons, Mister would rather take him to his house.

"My lovely daughter is back." My mom called as she sighted me and she gave me a really tight hug.

"Mom, you saw me just a few hours ago, didn't you?" I tried to wiggle out of her grip but she held on tighter.

She finally let go of me, looking me up and down. "I know, but it felt like forever since you were gone. I really missed, my baby." She smiled. "Tell me all about your day today."

She looked genuinely excited and I didn't want to make her feel bad, so I thought it was better if I came back to her.

"I just got back, let me go in and freshen up first." I added more tiredness to my voice so that she would beleive me.

"Alright. Go freshen up, my dear. Dinner will be ready soon" she says as I went to my room to freshen up.

As I was in the shower, I thought about everything that happened today. About Victoria and how she knew where I lived when I didn't tell her anything about that. I also thought about Sebastian and our little conversations.

I couldn't help but feel like Sebastian's voice sounded familiar. I felt like I had heard his voice someone before.

But maybe it was just my imagination, and his voice might just sound similar to others.

There was definitely nothing special about him. And I had to stop thinking about him.