Episode nine

Ariana, the driver will be here in five minutes. I hope you're ready." My mom shouted as she came Into my room. I really didn't know why she had to shout when she was going to come into my room anyway.

"Aren't you going drop me off like you normally do?" I asked as I arranged my things.

"I would, but your dad is home and I need to spend time with him." I could literally hear the happiness and excitement in her voice. Her eyes were shining and I couldn't help but smile.

"So, Mister is coming here?"

"Yes. So get ready, okay?" She didn't wait for my response before she left the room.

Soon, I heard the familiar sound of Mister's car pull into the compound and I rushed down the stairs to meet him, knowing that Zachary would be inside the car.

Mister smiled and hugged me when he saw me. "Hey, Princess. How was your night?" He caught my eyes wandering in search of Zachary. "He is not here."

"Where is he then?" I asked, curious.

He shrugged. "I went to pick him up, but his mom said he left for school earlier for some project or something like that. I really didn't understand what she was saying, if I'm being completely honest."

"That's strange. Zachary never told me about anything like this—and he tells me everything." I couldn't stop the anger I felt from seeping into my words.

"Take it easy my dear, maybe he forgot. Don't read much into it." Mister said as he collected my bag.

Zachary would have to explain himself. I mean, I was just starting to adapt to this new school and he knew that. How could he just leave me like this and not even tell me before then?

I reached the school on time before the classes started and of course Victoria was the first to walk up to me. The Ugly Betty Victoria, not the Bitch one. Naming them by their most noticeable features was the only way I could tell them apart. To make it easier.

"Hi Ariana! How are you? How was your night? Did you have breakfast? I hope you slept well." She there rapid fire questions at me, without even stopping to take breaths in between. Excitement shone in her eyes. Which creeped me out.

Why was she so excited every time she spoke to me?

"I'm fine." I answered only one of her questions then I walked away to go to my seat, but before I could walk away, she grabbed my hand. I was so shocked by her behaviour that I couldn't stop the annoyance from showing on my face. I looked down at her hand on mine pointedly, then at her. She let go.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I just.... wanted to know how you were, and I grabbed your hand out of impulse so you wouldn't leave so soon. I'm sorry." She was obviously shaking in fear and if I had to guess, it was because of the look on my face.

"Don't ever do that again." I snapped. She had to know her boundaries.

"Hi Ariana." The other Victoria called. Of course it was her. These people needed to stay way from me.

I didn't bother to reply her, I just walked past and went to my seat. For some reason, this made the whole class laugh and her cheek coloured in embarrassment.

"Hello, miss popular." Sebastian called with a smirk on his face.

"Don't call me that" I told him harshly.

He rolled his eyes. "Calm down, girl."

I glared at him then proceeded to drop my head on the desk and ignore him.

He turned to me, concern on his face. "Are you sick or something?" He frowned even more. "Did you eat something burnt?"

All of a sudden, I was thinking about the fact that my dad almost burnt down the house today and that made me smile a little but he didn't see it.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." I managed to say.

"Who said I was worried about you?" I heard him say, which pissed me off so much that I lifted my head to glare at him, but when I did, I saw the smirk on his face. I was about to reply when the teacher walked into the class and I just shut my ass up.

I really didn't want to do this today. I just wanted to go home.

I didn't know exactly what was making me feel this way/. If it was because of the bad dream I had, or the fact that Zachary went to school without me today. I just want sure what it was, but I couldn't concentrate on a single thing the teacher said.

"See you all in the next class." She said as she left the class. I could hardly believe that the class was over already.

"Let's get out of here." Sebastian said from beside me. I turned to him and saw that there was a smile on his face.

Let's get out of here.

I was experiencing that Deja Vu feeling. Why did his voice sound so familiar?

"Where are we going?" I surprised myself by asking.

"The rooftop."

I frowned. "That's scary. I'm not going anywhere."

He laughed. "For someone who isn't afraid of being stabbed, it's funny that you're scared of heights." That seemed to be very funny to him because he laughed again.

I frowned in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

His eyes widened in fear almost as if he hadn't meant to say what he did.

"It's nothing, I'm just talking rubbish." He forced a laugh. It sounded fake as hell but I decided it was none of my business.

"Let's go." He tugged me up and I surprised myself by not fighting with him on it. He was surprised too because he smiled in delight, looking so breath-taking.

I just wanted to prove to him that I wasn't scared. Nothing more.

That was what I kept telling myself.