Episode twelve

I was done for the day and it was time for me to go home. I wanted to call Zachary and tell him that classes were over and that my mom was going to pick us up today. Just before I could call him, he beat me to it. I could already see him through my class window, smiling as he waved at me.

"Is that your boyfriend outside?" Sebastian asked with a disgusted look.

I cocked a brow. "Yes. Why?"

He smirked. "Nothing really, I just think you could have done better."

"Zachary is way better than you in so many ways." I snapped in anger.

That caused him to laugh. "Calm down, I was just joking."

"Don't ever say that again." I said then left without waiting for his response.

Zachary walked over to me the moment I got out and gave me a hug. "How is my angel doing?"

I was glad he didn't hear what Sebastian had to say about him. But then again, Zachary was a very mature and sensible guy. Things like that wouldn't get to him.

He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "Mom is waiting for us outside." He sometimes called my mom, his mom and I thought that was so cute.

We walked out together and my mom waved when she saw us coming.

"Honey!" She cried, wrapping her hands around me in a tight hug. The hug didn't last because I pulled away in seconds. Why couldn't she just do that when we got home?

"Let's go, my love. Your dad is waiting for us." She said and we got inside the car.

The drive home usually lasted fifteen minutes and ever since we entered the car, no one had said a word.

"Are you guys okay?" My mom asked.

"We're alright." Zachary replied.

Mom stared at us through the rearview mirror. "Why does the atmosphere feel tensed up? Why are you guys not talking to each other?"

I didn't really know why she was reading too much into nothing. Zachary and I weren't in an argument, I just wasn't in the mood to say anything.

"We are fine, Mom." I said finally.

It was like she didn't even hear me. "Are you guys having an argument?"

Zachary and I shared a look, then we both turned to my Mom.

"We aren't having an argument." We said at the same time. Since I had known Zachary, this was the first time the both of us had uttered words at exactly the same time.

"Calm down, my loves." Mom laughed. "It's normal for couples to have an argument once in a while."

"We're really cool, Aunty." Zachary smiled reassuringly.

She smiled. "I know you guys are cool. I was only joking, okay?"

In about twenty minutes, we arrived at Zachary's house.

He turned to my mom with a smile on his face. "Thanks so much aunty for bringing me home."

She rolled her eyes, her tone, one of warning. "You don't have to thank me. And stop calling me aunty, okay? Call me Mom."

He just smiled at her then waved me goodbye as he walked into his house.

Mom turned to me the moment he was out of sight. "Honey, are you sure you guys are okay?"

I sighed. "Honestly, Mom, I don't know."

She turned around so that she could look at me. "Let's go home and talk. Alright, sweetie?"

I nodded.

In no time, we were back home. I went in and headed straight upstairs to my bedroom. My mom called me but I just ignored her. All I wanted was to lie on my bed and think a little.

When I got to my room, I flung my bag without paying attention to where I dropped it. I was more focused on going to my bed and resting. As soon as I dropped down on my bed, my mind went blank. I didn't know exactly what I should be thinking about but I was too tired to think anyway.

I just slept off.

"You know, I really do love you and care about you so much." A familiar voice said. And now, I was convinced that I had heard this voice before. It was beginning to become clearer to me.

It was Sebastian's voice.

I could see his face clearly. He was smiling at me and he looked so happy. I didn't give him a response. I just stood there.

He walked over to me and hugged me. He continued talking about how he didn't want to lose me and how I was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He also said that he was going to do everything in his power to convince my parents that to love him and accept him.

He was just about to say something but then I never got to find out what it was because someone tapped me and I woke up.

It was all a dream. I couldn't believe that it was a dream. It had felt so real, like it had happened in front of me. Like I had watched it happen.

I got distracted when I noticed that my dad was in my room.

He looked worried. "My dear, dinner is ready."

"I'm not really hungry." I grumbled, still sleepy as I struggled to get up.

"Are you sick?" He frowned even more. "Should I call a doctor?"

He even went as far as helping me out of bed.

"No, dad." I shook my head. "I'm fine, honestly. I just needed that rest but I don't have appetite right now." I gave him a reassuring smile just so that he could believe me.

He still looked so worried, that I didn't think twice about giving him a hug. "Dad, I'm really fine. If I wasn't, I would have told you guys."

"Alright. If you say so." He said even though he didn't look.concinced.

"I say so. I'm fine."

"I'll leave to go wash up." He said before walking out of the room, but not before giving me one last glance.

I didn't know if I was fine or not, but I definitely felt weird. The reason, was all because of the dream I had.

There was something about Sebastian that he wasn't telling me. And I was going to find out what.