Despite having failed several times, Ariana believed in me and encouraged me to keep trying. Yet, I tried so many times and still couldn't get in. 

Her parents disapproval of our relationship however, didn't stop us from seeing each other. We met in secret, the only person who knew about our location, being Mister and that was because she trusted him and loved him like a father. 

My mom continued warning me against the rich, about how I shouldn't get in trouble with them. Her hatred for rich people stemmed from the fact that they took my dad away from here. Ever since then, her hatred for them had only grown. 

Don't get me wrong. I disliked rich people too, but after meeting Ariana, my perception of them changed a bit. Maybe they weren't all that bad. Maybe it was just some of them. Take Ariana for example. She was such a beautiful, sweet  and innocent soul. How could one dislike her?