I broke the hug and we both turned to look at who said that . We saw a nerdy looking guy, very slander and had a big front tooth.

"What did you just say right now" I say in a commanding tone. I hope I scared him a little and he wasn't gonna say he saw us cheat.

"I saw what Victoria did, she did your test for you" he says. My heart skipped a little when he said that. I don't want to out Victoria into trouble, it wasn't her fault but mine.

"We didn't do anything and you can't prove it" I say. I mean he doesn't have an evidence to back his claim. Victoria was a little bit too calm for what was going on.

"You really want to tell on us, remember what I did for you in third grade" Victoria says in confidence.

She was confident, I guess she had something on him, and with the way he reacted, she definitely has something on him.