Victoria fell off the bed from the sound of of my voice. "Calm down Ari, are you trying to murder me?" She says as she touched her chest to try control her heartbeat.

I got off the bed to help her out. We both sat down back on my bed, o give her few minutes to catch her breath. I want to know everything about the date and why she didn't tell me.

"Start talking!" I yelled again with so much enthusiasm. 

"Why are you acting like you Don't know anything about the date" she says with confusion. 

"I don't I remember us having any conversation about any date" I say trying to rack my memories.

She was looking at me strangely expecting me to know about her date. I feel so sad that I can't remember and I have been forgetting about alot of things lately.

"Test.... James.... Highest score" Victoria try to give me a hint but I wasn't getting it. "Oh my God Ari, James! I went on a date with James" she says with frustration.