Sebastian shuffled in his bed as he struggled to sleep. He has  been awake since last night, sleep was far from him but it's too late now. His alarm rang and he got out of bed, shutting it off. He really needs to see Ariana, it's been weeks and he hasn't heard anything or seen her.

He sees Zachary in school, but he doesn't dare go to him and ask how Ariana is doing and if he can go pay her a visit. All sebastian wants at this point was to see Ariana and be by her side. 

He stripped out of his clothes and entered into the bathroom.

'I Need to see her,' he  said to himself as he stared at his mopping face in the mirror. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. 

He smudged some toothpaste on his toothbrush and brushed his teeth. He couldn't help but notice his eyes were red, and watery due to the lack of sleep. He  turned on the shower and took a nice warm bath, he  finished up quickly and exited the bathroom.