Seeing Ariana this way makes me so mad, how dare Tracy threaten my Ariana. I need to let her know that he can't have her way with me or anything like that, she is dead to me.

"I should get back to class, lunch is probably over" she says with a low voice.

"We can still have something to eat, I don't want you to go hungry because of me" I say.

"It's fine, I don't really have appetite for food right now. If I do get food, it will just be me wasting the food" she says with a faint smile.

"Just a little bite won't hurt" I say with a smile.

"Nah I am good" she says. I gave a light kiss on the lips and I watched as she leaves.

I fucking hate this, I know she is bothered about Tracy and that's why she lost her appetite. I fucking hate Tracy so much, she is trying to ruin everything I worked so hard for but I won't let her succeed. My dad will be so disappointed in me if Ariana ever leaves me, I can't afford to loose her ever.